Page 16 - Parenting-activity example
P. 16


               Discussion – Slide 5 (7 Minutes)

               Slide 5 – 5 Things My Child Needs from Dad

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                                  For Evaluation Only

                 Review contents on the slide – On the left are things both boys and girls
                   need from dad.

                                   For Moms:                                    For Dads:

                       Dads with Girls:                           Dads with Sons:
                       •  There will be stages as your        •  You are the role model on behavior for
                         daughter grows where she’ll be           your son. He will look to you to see how
                         Daddy’s little girl, where he can        to behave, express his emotions, and
                         do no wrong, and you only do             control his anger.
                         wrong. This is normal. Don’t be      •  He will look to you as to how to show
                         jealous, but encourage a good            respect for authority, helping others, and
                         relationship between your                communicating with people.
                         daughter and her father.             •  He will look to you to see how you show
                                                                  respect for others, show your faith.
                       Dads with Boys:
                       •  Dad is supposed to set the              Dad’s with Daughters:
                         example for behavior. You need       •  Don’t be overprotective.
                         to be supportive of both dad and     •  Allow them to fail.
                         your son.                            •  Be there to comfort and give support.

               Being a Good Parent       Parenting Pamphlet Series Instructor’s Manual                      73
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