Page 8 - Parenting-activity example
P. 8


                 How Do I Cope      2.C.1.a -            2.A.1.a  - Reading        1.A.1.a.2– Written
                 With Anger?: A     Administration and   Comprehension             Comprehension
                 questionnaire      Management           2.A.1.c - Writing         1.A.1.a.4– Written Expression
                 about anger        2.C.1.b - Clerical   2.A.2.a - Critical Thinking   1.A.1.b.3 - Problem Sensitivity
                 management         2.C.5.b - Therapy    2.B.1.a - Social          1.A.1.b.4– Deductive
                                    and Counseling       Perceptiveness            Reasoning
                                    2.C.6.a - Education   2.B.4.e - Judgment and   1.A.1.b.6 - Information
                                    and Training         Decision Making           Ordering
                                                         2.B.4.g - Systems Analysis

                 Try This at Home:   2.C.1.a -           2.A.1.a  - Reading        1.A.1.a.4– Written Expression
                 Write a supportive   Administration and   Comprehension           1.A.1.b.1– Fluency of Ideas
                 note to your kids   Management          2.A.1.c - Writing         1.A.1.b.3 - Problem Sensitivity
                                    2.C.1.b - Clerical   2.B.4.e - Judgment and    1.A.1.b.4– Deductive
                             ©2017 Learnovation®, LLC
                                    2.C.5.b - Therapy    Decision Making           Reasoning
                                    and Counseling       2.B.4.g - Systems Analysis  1.A.1.b.6 - Information
                                    2.C.6.a - Education                            Ordering
                                    and Training

                                  For Evaluation Only
                 Personal Parenting  2.C.1.a -           2.A.1.a  - Reading        1.A.1.a.1– Oral
                 Rule / Action to   Administration and   Comprehension             Comprehension
                 Take: What rule    Management           2.A.1.b - Active Listening   1.A.1.a.2– Written
                 would you take     2.C.1.b - Clerical   2.A.2.d - Monitoring      Comprehension
                 away from this     2.C.6.a - Education   2.B.1.a - Social         1.A.1.b.4– Deductive
                 session?           and Training         Perceptiveness            Reasoning
                                                         2.B.4.e - Judgment and    1.A.1.b.6 - Information
                                                         Decision Making           Ordering
                                                         2.B.4.g - Systems Analysis

             Teaching Tips
               Throughout this session, emphasize the impact that the parents have on their kids, for good
                or bad. Regardless of the age of the child, how they treat their kids, how they behave in
                front of them helps to shape they kind of person they become.
               Talk about the differences between moms and dads and how each parent is important to
                the child’s welfare.
               The anger management quiz can be found on the CD in the directory P3. Print enough
                copies for each parent.

              Another anger management quiz – How Good is Your Anger management? is available
                online at The online version lets
                the individual enter their rankings and then automatically gives them a total score.

               Being a Good Parent       Parenting Pamphlet Series Instructor’s Manual                      65
                                       ©2017 Learnovation®, LLC
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