Page 3 - Wellness-Nutrition-pamphlets-sample
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Exercise - Tracking Down Your Medical History

                                   Putting Together a Medical Notebook                                                         Collecting your medical history is important to provide doctors with
                                                                                                                               a complete picture of your health. Where do you go to find all the
        Contact Information                             Tab 3: My Medicine                                                     information needed to complete the forms? Use this exercise to plan

        ‰    Name/address/ members of                   Your doctor needs the most up-to-date                                  how to find your information.
            your household.                             information on your medication. Preventing

        ‰    Emergency contact information.             drug, food, and medical condition interactions    Who Will You Contact?            What Are Your Questions?
        Tab 1: My Health                                means you keep your medicine list up-to-
                                                        date. That includes tracking medicines you’ve     Family History - Mother’s side
        ‰    General Health Information                 stopped taking or caused your problems.
            Social history - your job, marital status,   ‰   Medications
            children, smoking, drinking habits.
                                                        ‰    Medications Stopped
            Medical conditions - check any you have and                                                   Family History - Father’s side
            indicate the date when it started. You can fill   ‰   Prescription Reorders
            out details on each medical condition on a   ‰   Supplements
            separate page.
            Immunizations - any vaccinations, tetanus   Tab 4: My Doctor Visits                           X-rays, test results
            shots, exposure to Tuberculosis.
                                                        Use the forms in this section to track your
            Surgeries/hospitalizations - list any surgeries   appointments, record any lab results from testing,
            you had, the dates, reason, location, and results.  and prepare and record results of your doctor
            Family history - can show conditions that may   visits.                                       History of surgeries and
            be hereditary.                              ‰    Appointments.                                treatments

        ‰     Allergies                                 ‰    Lab Log
            Record any allergies you may have to foods,   ‰   Doctor Visits
            medications, and the environment.
                                                                                                          Doctor records
                                                        Tab 5: My Wellness Plan
        Tab 2: My Providers
                                                        Use this section to begin tracking things you do for
        Record contact information for your physicians,   your own health.
        pharmacies and insurance companies.
                                                        ‰    Daily Food and Exercise Log                  Immunization records
        ‰     Physician Information
        ‰     Insurance Information                     Tab 6: Information from My Doctor

        ‰     Pharmacy Information                      Place any information from your doctor in this
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