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Helping Your Doctor Help You                                                                       Exercise - How Do You Feel About Your Visit?
     The Savon Self-Care Advisor © 2016
                                                                                                        Your attitude and your feelings can help or hurt you during a doctor visit. Look at the following situations and
     Here are the top 10 things you can do to get the most out of each doctor visit.                    identify how it makes you feel, and then how you think that will affect your care. Then decide how you could
     1.  Talk first about what worries you most.     7. Find out more about referrals and tests.        change your attitude for the better. Consciously think of things that would move you up the scale.

           ƒ  Don’t save it for last – you may not have time.    ƒ  If you’re referred to someone else, or the doctor
                                                           suggests certain tests, find out:             1.  I’m going to a routine health exam with my doctor.
     2.  Be specific:
                                                             –Why it’s necessary                            I feel:    How this will affect my care:
           ƒ  About where it hurts, symptoms you’ve had,          –How to prepare for it, what to expect
           what it feels like, and changes you’ve noticed                                                              1.                                     What emotions do you have when
           even if you don’t think they are important.         –When you’ll get the results                                                                   you go to your health care providers?
     3.  Tell the truth.                                     –If it’s covered by your health-care plan                 2.
                                                             –How much it will cost you                     How I can change:                                   1 - Appreciative, grateful, thankful
           ƒ  Be honest about your diet, exercise, if you          –Are there any other options?            1.                                                  2 - Positive, favorable
           smoke, or use drugs and alcohol.                                                                                                                     3 - Optimistic
                                                     8. Speak up.
           ƒ  What non-medical treatments, such as home                                                     2.                                                  4 - Hopeful, promising
           remedies, or vitamins do you use?           ƒ ƒIf you want medication to relieve your symptoms,                                                      5 - Confident, strong belief
                                                           say so.                                                                                              6 - Anxious, fearful
           ƒ  Mention any special stresses you have.                                                     2.  My doctor recommended I have a test.           Negative                                 Positive    7 - Pessimistic, gloomy
     4. Ask Questions.                                 ƒ ƒIf you think you might have a certain problem and   I feel:  How this will affect my care:            8 - Frustrated, defeated
                                                           want to be tested, say so.
           ƒ  Plan ahead on what you want to ask.                                                                      1.                                       9 - Overwhelmed
                                                       ƒ ƒYou have to say what’s bothering you – doctors                                                      10 - Disappointed
           ƒ  If you don’t understand something, ask to see   aren’t mind readers.                                     2.                                     11 - Worried
           a diagram or picture.                     9. If you can’t follow the doctor’s orders, say so.    How I can change:                                 12 - Discouraged

           ƒ  Ask what you can do to keep the problem from     ƒ  If you think you will have trouble following   1.                                           13 - Angry
           recurring.                                      recommendations, tell the doctor this. The doctor                                                  14 - Insecure

           ƒ  Ask for more information on a topic.         may have suggestions for other options.          2.                                                15 - Depressed
           ƒ  Make sure you understand any medications     ƒ  Don’t be afraid to negotiate.              3.  My child has just been hurt and is bleeding.
           you’re prescribed and how to take them    10. Don’t leave what you’ve learned at the office.
           correctly.                                      Before you leave the office:                     I feel:    How this will affect my care:    4.  I’m having tooth pain.
     5. Ask for translations.                                 –Know what you should do when you get home.              1.                                   I feel:   How this will affect my care:
        ƒ ƒIf you don’t understand the medical words the            –Make sure you have any prescriptions you need     2.                                             1.
           doctor uses, ask the doctor to slow down and     and know how to take them.
           give a simpler explanation.                                                                      How I can change:
                                                              –Ask your doctor to write down important points.  1.                                                    2.
        ƒ ƒ Repeat what you heard the doctor say.             –Find out who to call if you have problems.                                                   How I can change:
     6.  Bring along your own ideas.                          –Ask if a followup appointment is necessary.      2.                                          1.

           ƒ  If you’ve heard of a treatment or medication
           you’d like to try, bring it up.                                                                                                                  2.
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