Page 9 - Wellness-Nutrition-pamphlets-sample
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Take Charge!                               Use Good Manners                                                                If you want the best medical care, you need to

                                                     You’ll get better service when you use good                                      have a good relationship with your doctor or   Wellness
                                                                                                                                       health care provider. You and your doctor can
           Go into the appointment knowing          manners. Look at the different health-care                                        share information and work together to make   & Nutrition
            what you want to get out of it.          professionals you visit. How do you see and treat                                 the  best  decisions  about  your  health.  You’ll   No. 2
                                                     them? If you’re rude and demanding, chances are                                   also feel more confident in your doctor/health

           Don’t be afraid to ask questions.        they won’t be very nice to you either.                                            care provider  and the quality  of care you’re
                                                       Always be nice to the receptionist you                                      getting. In this pamphlet learn how to make the
                                                        meet at the desk. They can get you into                                   most of your health-care visits and how to take
                                                        better appointment times and schedule                                 charge of your own health.
       Give The Details When You’re Sick                appointments with other doctors you may
                                                        need. They can see that you get extra samples
         Any recent changes.                           of medication and can be one of your greatest    The Doctor Says...                             Be Prepared For

         When symptoms began.                          allies.                                                                                        Your Doctor Visit
         Time of day they occur.                      Make friends with the nurses you meet                                                       Know what you want –
         Have you had them before?                     before you see the doctor. They usually           8  What is the biggest problem that        (I want my knee to stop
         What makes them better or worse?              speak with the doctor before you are seen and         brought you to my office?              hurting. I want to be able to

         Have you done something different             will share their impressions. Many times you                                                 keep food down. I want to be              The Doctor Visit
          lately?                                       can call and talk directly to the doctor’s nurse   8  Answer my questions honestly.          able to walk without pain.)
         Have you eaten differently or taken new       when you have a question later.                       Don’t tell me what you think I        How do you feel?
                                                                                                              want to hear.
          medication?                                                                                                                               Have your own medical

         Have you had any additional stress?                                                             8  I’m looking for patterns, so be         history completed.
         Any changes in your                                                                                 patient with my questions. One        Bring your family health
          mood or sleep?                                                                                      minute my question may be              history.
         Any activities that make you feel better                                                            about your sleep, then about          Have a list of your
                                                                                                              your hands, while I’m really
          or worse?                                                                                           trying to focus on your stomach        medications.
                                                                                                              pain.                                 Do you need any test results
                                                                                                                                                     or x-rays?

                                                          Disclaimer:                                     8  My time is limited. If you want        Find child care for your
                                                          Learnovation, LLC’s mission is to empower people to manage   more time, come in with your   children.
                              ©2017 Learnovation , LLC    their health.  This information is not intended as a substitute
                                All Rights Reserved.      for professional medical advice, emergency treatment or   questions written down.         Bring a friend or spouse, if
                            formal first-aid training. Don’t use this information to                                   needed, to help you listen
                                                          diagnose or develop a treatment plan for a health problem or
                                                          disease without consulting a qualified health-care provider.                               and describe your symptoms.
                                                          If you’re in a life-threatening or emergency medical situation,
                                                          seek medical assistance immediately.
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