Page 13 - Wellness-Nutrition-pamphlets-sample
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Take Charge!                                        Over-the-Counter Drugs                                                 Medicine is a tool. Used right, it can help you

                                                      It’s important to keep track of the non-                                       feel better. Used wrong it can harm and hurt   Wellness
                                                      prescription medicines you take as well.                                       you. Know your medications, why you take them,   & Nutrition
            „ Know what you’re taking and tell all                                                                                    what they do for you and how they work. Let   No. 3
            health-care professionals your dose                                                                                       the doctor(s) know all the medications you are
            and when you take it.                        „ Tell your doctor about any over-the-counter                                on, including any vitamins or supplements.
            „ Keep a running list of medications         drugs you’ve been taking.                                                    Doctors make treatment decisions so you
            you’ve stopped. Record when you              „ Be careful when mixing herb teas, over-the-                              can heal.  Keep track of all medications. When
            stopped and why.                                                                                                     you save time for your doctor by sharing this
                                                         counter drugs, and prescription medications.   information, you also receive better care. Knowing your medications is critical in

        Abused Prescription Medications                  „ Store brands can be as good a value as       emergencies, or when you are put in the hospital or undergo surgery.

        Most people who take prescription                brand names.
        medications use them responsibly, but                                                          The Doctor Says...                             Understand Your
        sometimes people do not take them as                                                                                                          Prescriptions and
        directed and may become addicted. While               Homeopathic Medicines                                                               Medications Before you
        many prescription medications can be                                                                                                     Leave the Doctor’s Office:
        abused or misused, these three classes are    Herbal medications and natual supplements are     8   You need to be able to tell me what                                         Medication  Managing Your
        most commonly abused:                         other ways to treat medical conditions.              medication you’re taking, the doses,     „ What is it for?

            „ Opioids - often prescribed to treat pain.    „ Homeopathic medicines can be as               and how consistently you’re taking      „ What time is it taken?
            „ CNS Depressants - used to treat            dangerous to use as prescription drugs. If                                                „ Is it taken with food
            anxiety and sleep disorders.                 using homeopathic medications, consult a       8   Tell me all the vitamins and           or without?
                                                                                                           supplements you’re taking.
            „ Stimulants - prescribed to treat           professional in the field.                                                                „ Are there other medicines or foods
                                                                                                                                                   to avoid?
            narcolepsy, attention deficit/               „ Be sure to tell your doctor if you are taking   8   Tell me about any home remedies
            hyperactivity disorder, and                                                                    you’re doing.                           „ Is it safe to drive when taken?
            sometimes asthma.                            any supplements.                               8   Tell me about any illegal drugs        „ Are there any side effects?
                                                                                                           you’ve done or tried, or you’re on   Follow the directions on your
                                                                                                           now. BE HONEST. This can affect     medication:
                                                                                                           anything I will prescribe.              „ Always take the full amount of
                                                          Disclaimer:                                   8   When I prescribe something I want      medication prescribed.
                                                          Learnovation, LLC’s mission is to empower people to manage
                              ©2017 Learnovation , LLC    their health.  This information is not intended as a substitute   to know if you’re going to have a     „ Call your doctor if you have any new
                                All Rights Reserved.      for professional medical advice, emergency treatment or   problem affording it, following the   or unusual symptoms
                            formal first-aid training. Don’t use this information to   directions, or taking it correctly.
                                                          diagnose or develop a treatment plan for a health problem or                             „ Don’t share medication or horde it.
                                                          disease without consulting a qualified health-care provider.
                                                          If you’re in a life-threatening or emergency medical situation,                          „ Throw out expired medication.
                                                          seek medical assistance immediately.
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