Page 16 - Wellness-Nutrition-pamphlets-sample
P. 16

How Do You Tell When Someone is Sick?

      From Caring for Kids - Patricia Keener, M.D.                                                                     Exercise - What Do You Do When...
      How sick is someone? Check these things to determine how big a problem you have:                                 Read the following situations and decide who you would contact, what questions you would
                                                                        Serious-Illness-Likely                         ask, and what you would do.
           Symptom        Reassuring Signs       Worrisome Signs        Signs                            1.  My child has a fever of 101°F and is throwing up.
           Appearance     bright-eyed and alert  sleepy with dull eyes and  stares blankly and has        Who would you contact?       What are your questions?      What action would you take?
                                                 little expression      glassy-eyed look
           Cry            cry is normal          sounds whiny, difficult   cry sounds weak,
                                                 to comfort, whimpers   continues to cry or moan
                                                                        even when comforted
           Activity level  plays and sleeps      fussy when awake and   hard to awaken and has           2. My elderly mother has just fallen and is in pain.
                          normally               sleeps more than usual  little interest in playing       Who would you contact?       What are your questions?      What action would you take?

           Appetite       eats normally          takes food and drink   refuses all foods and
                                                 when offered, but only a  liquids
                                                 few bites or sips
           Urination      urine (pee) is normal  pee is dark yellow and   appears dry, litte spit and
                                                 infrequent             urine, eyes appear sunk
                                                                        back into head                   3. My child has fallen and cut his arm.
                                                                                                          Who would you contact?       What are your questions?      What action would you take?
          „ If the person has one or two worrisome signs, call the doctor’s office for advice.

          „ If they have three or more worrisome signs, call the doctor’s office immediately for an appointment.
          „ If there are any serious-illness-likely signs, contact your doctor immediately or seek emergency
                                                                                                         4. My child has a runny nose all the time and a raspy cough.

      Over-the-Counter Drugs And Children                                                                 Who would you contact?       What are your questions?      What action would you take?

      Most over-the-counter drugs are designed for adults and should not be used for children. It’s not just
      a matter of decreasing the dosage. Many drugs can cause harmful side-effects in children. Check with
      your doctor to see what over-the-counter drugs are O.K. for you to give to your children. Over-the-counter
      medications that are often used to treat kids are:
                                                                                                         5. We’re eating dinner and my spouse seems to be choking.
          „ Cold preparations for a combination of cough, fever, runny nose
                                                                                                          Who would you contact?       What are your questions?      What action would you take?
          „ Medications to dry up a stuffy nose
          „ Medication for vomiting
          „ Medication to stop diarrhea

          „ Antihistamines or decongestants.
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