Page 20 - Wellness-Nutrition-pamphlets-sample
P. 20

Heart Disease                              Hepatitis C                                           Exercise - Identify Your Risky Behavior

        Heart disease is the leading cause of death   Facts: Hepatitis C is a chronic, life-threatening, blood-  Your lifestyle choices impact your health. If you have any of the conditions in
        in the United States. It occurs when the   borne infection.                                      this pamphlet, or even if you don’t, identify behaviors that put you “at-risk” for
        arteries that supply blood to the heart become     „ Most commonly linked to infected needles used for   developing a serious condition. Llst risky behaviors you have, the possible health
        narrowed. You may feel tightness of the       drugs.                                             problem, and what action you will take right now.
        chest during physical stress. Heart attacks
        and strokes occur when the arteries become     „ Prison tattoos and body piercing with non-sterile     Risky Behavior          Possible Health Problem What action will you take?
        blocked.                                      equipment are also risky.
                                                      „ As many as half of the people who have Hepatitis C
                                                      don’t even know they have it.
                                                      „ One in five people who get Hepatitis C will clear it out
        Getting high blood pressure under control will   of their system naturally.
        lessen stress on the heart.                   „ Without treatment, one in four will suffer liver failure or
            „ Have your blood pressure and cholesterol   develop liver cancer.
            levels checked.
                                                   Treatment: There is a year-long regime of pills and shots.
            „ Take any medication prescribed by your   The treatment is successful 50% of the
            doctor                                 time.
            „ Lose weight, drink less
            alcohol, and exercise.                    High Blood Pressure

                                                      Facts: Blood pressure is the
                                                      force of blood pushing against
        Diabetes                                      artery walls as it flows through the body. When it
        About 7% of people in the United States have   remains consistently high, it forces your heart to
        diabetes. Diabetes is caused when the body    work too hard.
        becomes resistant to insulin. If diabetes
        is not treated, there is risk of blindness,       „ High blood pressure is the leading cause of
        stroke and heart attack, kidney trouble, and     heart attack and stroke.
        problems with circulation. Being overweight,      „ If you are overweight, under stress, or don’t
        lack of exercise, and a high fat diet can        exercise, you may be at risk.                  Put out the Smoke
        increase your risk.                               „ High blood pressure can also be a sign of   Smoking is bad for your health. Period. Cigarettes kill more than 350,000 people a year
        Treatment: Diabetes can be prevented and         other problems such as diabetes.               and cause serious health problems. Smoking can cause:
        managed with a combination of drugs,                                                                „ shortness of breath
        exercise, a healthy diet, and monitoring of   Treatment: Have your blood pressure checked. If       „ feeling tired                                Nicotine is one of the most addictive drugs
        blood sugar levels.                           it is high, exercise, lose weight, drink less alcohol,     „ persistent cough                        around and kicking the habit is hard. There are
        from the American Diabetes Association        and reduce salt intake. Medication is available to     „ poor circulation                            many effective aids like nicotine patches that
                                                      lower blood pressure.                                 „ poor sense of smell and taste                can be used to stop the smoking habit.

                                                                                                            „ lung cancer.
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