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Nutrition is the process by which your body gets
       Take Charge!                                 Shifting Your Mood with Food                                                     energy and nutrients from the food you eat. So   Wellness

                                                    Foods That Make You Feel Alert                                                     what are nutrients? There are six types of    & Nutrition
          ƒ I can educate myself about different    The best way to eat for alertness is to have meals                                 •  Proteins          •  Vitamins              No. 6
          foods and how they affect my body.        that contain protein, are low in fat, and have carbo-                              •  Carbohydrates     •  Minerals
                                                    hydrates that won’t drag you down.
          ƒ I can make better choices for my body   Examples of some protein-packed foods are: fish,                                  •  Fats                   •  Water
          and my health. I can choose to feel good.  shellfish, poultry (without skin), very lean beef                               Our bodies need the proper combination of
                                                    (trimmed), low-fat cottage cheese, skim or low-fat                            these nutrients to function. Healthy eating begins
                                                    milk, low-fat yogurt, dried peas and beans.         with learning how to “eat smart”—it’s not just what you eat, but how you
              Eat a Balanced Diet                                                                       eat. Your food choices can reduce your risk of illnesses such as heart disease,
                                                    Foods That Make You Feel Calm                       cancer, and diabetes, as well as defend against depression. Additionally,
                                                    Eating carbohydrates without protein has a calming   learning the habits of healthy eating can boost your energy, sharpen your
                                                    affect. How calming depends on the type of car-     memory and stabilize your mood. You can expand your range of healthy food
                                                    bohydrates and the amount and time of day they      choices and learn how to plan ahead to create and maintain a satisfying,
                                                    are eaten. Eating carbohydrates that are low on     healthy diet.
                                                    the Glycemic Index will promote the more focused
                                                    and calming aspect. Carbs on the high side will                                                                                     Nutrition  You Are What You Eat...
                                                    produce a sleepy, sluggish feeling,                  The Doctor Says...                             Being Healthy

          In June 2011, the USDA replaced the food   Low-Glycemic Carbohydrates: Brown rice,                                                          ƒ Eat a variety of foods.
          pyramid, which had shown the number of    buckwheat, whole-grain rye bread, sourdough          8  You could reduce your blood               ƒ Eat more fruits,
          servings to eat for each food group with the   rye bread, pita bread, sweet potato, most wheat    pressure medication if you
          balanced plate concept.                   pastas.                                                 changed your diet and reduced             vegetables, and
           Balancing calories.                                                                              your salt intake.                         whole grains.
           Enjoy your food, but eat less.           High-Glycemic Carbohydrates: Sugar, white            8  Taking a daily vitamin                    ƒ Eat lower fat foods
           Avoid oversized portions.                bread, rice cakes, wheat crackers, bagel, instant       supplement can provide key
                                                    rice, baked potato, rice, pasta.                        vitamins and minerals your                more often.
                                                                                                            body needs that it doesn’t                ƒ Get your calcium-
                                                          Disclaimer:                                       always get from your diet.                rich foods.
                                                          Learnovation, LLC’s mission is to empower people to manage s mission is to empower people to manage
                                                          Learnovation, LLC’
                                                          their health.  This information is not intended as a substitute
                              ©2017 Learnovation , LLC    their health.  This information is not intended as a substitute   8  Drinking eight 8-ounce glasses     ƒ Be physically active.
                                                          for professional medical advice, emergency treatment or
                                All Rights Reserved.      for professional medical advice, emergency treatment or   of water each day is essential
                                                          formal first-aid training. Don’t use this information to
                            formal first-aid training. Don’t use this information to
                                                          diagnose or develop a treatment plan for a health problem or
                                                          diagnose or develop a treatment plan for a health problem or   for good health.
                                                          disease without consulting a qualified health-care provider
                                                          disease without consulting a qualified health-care provider. .
                                                          If you’re in a life-threatening or emergency medical situation,
                                                          If you’re in a life-threatening or emergency medical situation,
                                                          seek medical assistance immediately
                                                          seek medical assistance immediately..
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