Page 28 - Wellness-Nutrition-pamphlets-sample
P. 28

Washing Hands and Surfaces                      Food Temperature
                                                                                                          Exercise - Identifying Food Safety Challenges: Here are some common situations where
                                                       Cooked food is safe only after it’s been
       Washing your hands with soap and water is       heated to a high enough temperature to kill        foodborne illness might result. For each situation, identify the problem and how it could have been prevented.
       your first line of defense against the spread   harmful bacteria. The temperature varies for                                            What was the problem?      How should it have been han-
       of germs and disease.                                                                                          Situation:                                                     dled?
                                                       different products. You can download a food         Joe took the raw chicken outside
                                                       temperature chart at:  http://www.foodsafety.
          ƒ  Wash your hands the right way—for 20      gov/keep/charts/mintemp.html.                       and put it on the grill, then set
           seconds with soap and running water.                                                            down the plate. When the chicken
                                                                                                           was done, he put it on the plate and
          ƒ  Wash surfaces and utensils after each use     ƒ Use a food thermometer to make sure           took it inside.
           with hot, soapy water or a bleach cleaning     foods meet the minimum temperature
           solution.                                      (especially meat, poultry, and egg               Paul and his friends had a pizza for

          ƒ  Wash fruits and veggies—but not meat,        products.)                                       supper. The next morning they ate
                                                                                                           the leftovers out of the box that had
           poultry, or eggs. Cut away damaged             ƒ Keep food hot after cooking                    been left on the counter overnight.
           portions, rinse under water, and pat dry.      (at 140°F or above).
                                                                                                           Kara took out a package of frozen
                                                          ƒ Microwave food thoroughly                      ground beef and set it on the count-
                                                          (to 165°F).                                      er to thaw. She came back several
       Chill and Refrigerate                           Cross Contamination                                 hours later to check on it.

       Illness-causing bacteria can grow in some foods   Never put ready-to-eat food (food that doesn’t    Toni baked a chicken for an hour
       within two hours unless you refrigerate them. If you   need to be cooked) like lettuce, on a surface that   at 375° F like she always did. This
       have food set out at a picnic on a hot day, it only   held raw meat, poultry, seafood, or eggs. The   time it looked a little undercooked,
       takes one hour for foods to be spoiled and bad to eat.  juices and remains of the uncooked foods can   but she didn’t think it would be a
          ƒ  Refrigerate perishable foods within two hours  spread bacteria to the other food and make you   Austin wiped down the sink with a
          ƒ  Never thaw or marinate foods on the counter  sick. Stopping cross-contamination is simple:    sponge after putting leftovers down
                                                          ƒ  Use separate cutting boards and plates for
          ƒ  Know when to throw out leftovers There may be                                                 the disposal. Without stopping, he
           a bad smell or evidence of mold, but sometimes   produce and for meat, poultry, seafood, and    wiped down the counters and the
           there is no physical sign that the food is bad.   eggs.                                         stove.
                                                          ƒ  Keep meat, poultry, seafood, and eggs
                                                           separate from all other foods at the grocery.  Potentially Hazardous Foods

           You can download a food storage                ƒ  Keep meat, poultry, seafood, and eggs        Certain foods need special handling to make them safe to eat. Keeping them at a
           chart at:  http://www.foodsafety.               separate from all other foods in the fridge.   specific temperatures for a certain period of time is critical for these foods:
           gov/keep/charts/storagetimes.html               Always store these products below ready-to-       Cooked animal and vegetable foods
                                                           eat food so there’s no chance of raw juices       Raw seed sprouts                              Cut tomatoes
                                                           dripping onto the other foods.                    Cut melons                                    Garlic-in-oil mixtures
                                                                                                             Cut leafy greens
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