Page 31 - Wellness-Nutrition-pamphlets-sample
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Specialty Types of Counseling: Exercise - Where Do You Turn?
Grief– counseling not just for death but also for significant social losses as well
Everyone feels stressed and upset at one time or another. Knowing what you can do to
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder– significant trauma that impacts the person for over 30 cope and where to turn for help can make a big difference in feeling better. Look at the
days following situations, for yourself or someone you know, and identify things you could do to
Play Therapy– method used with children which allows them to explore their feelings and impact the situation and where you could go for help.
express emotions without face-to-face talking. Situation What I Could Do Who Can Help
Feeling stressed about daily life,
like you can’t cope. You can hardly
get out of bed.
Depression Substance Abuse
Depression is a Some researchers believe that Feeling hopeless, desperate,
serious medical substance abuse may cause mental wanting to end it all.
illness that illness, while others believe that
involves the brain. people with mental illness use drugs and alcohol
It’s more than to relieve their symptoms.
just a feeling of You may be at risk for substance abuse if you Alcohol or drugs are controlling
being “down in combine any of the following risk factors with a your life.
the dumps” or “blue” for a few days. If you are one mental illness:
of the more than 20 million people in the United poor mental function
States who have depression, the feelings do not go Feeling unhappy with the conflict
away. They persist and interfere with your everyday anxiety in a marriage.
life. Symptoms can include: poor social skills
Sadness withdrawn and antisocial behavior
Loss of interest or pleasure in activities you living in poverty Recurring anxiety about a
used to enjoy lack of structured activities. traumatic event.
Change in weight
Difficulty sleeping or oversleeping
Energy loss Anxiety is an unpleasant, Feeling insecure, unhappy with
yourself, low self- esteem.
Feelings of worthlessness emotional state of high
energy that involves a
Thoughts of death or suicide. combination of emotions that Your children seem out-of-control
include fear, apprehension, and sad all the time.
and worry.