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Take Charge!                            Depression may just be the tip of the problem. It may                                People who are emotionally healthy are
                                                                                                                                       in control of their thoughts, feelings and
                                                  situational, severe, chemical, or complex depression. Many
                                                  times the person feels trapped between what they want and                            behaviors. They feel good about themselves and   Wellness
                                                  what they feel they should do.                                                       have good relationships. They can keep their
               „ Anytime you have a negative self                                                                                                                                     & Nutrition
              thought replace it with a positive                                                                                       problems in perspective. Mental health used    No. 8
              one                                  Understanding Medication and                                                        to be treated as less important than a person’s
                                                                                                                                       physical health. Today, professionals know that
               „ Break down overwhelming           Possible Side Effects                                                               your mind and your emotions are as important
              activities into small, achievable                                                                                        as your body, and they work in harmony. Know
              steps                                Mental health isn’t just about counseling. For                                      where you can go and who can help you when

                                                   some conditions and treatments, doctors will prescribe                              you don’t feel good.
         Thoughts of Suicide                       medication.

         When life feels hopeless even for a moment,     „ Learn how to troubleshoot the side effects of                                        Common Types of
         and your thoughts can’t escape thinking of   medication.                                      The Doctor Says...
         death, it’s time to call for help. Recognize the     „ Ask questions about how long a drug should take                                 Counseling
         signs of depression and possible suicide risk:  to impact your system.                                                                     „ Individual– the focus is on the

             „ Talking about dying or other types of                                                                                               person by him or herself.
             self-harm                                 „ Ask how long it takes to build up in your system,   8   Recognize when talking to a
             „ Recent loss                            and how long it will stay in your body.              professional can be helpful.             „ Family– the person may be                Mental Health
             „ Change in personality                   „ Ask if taking it with food affects it.                                                    seen alone or with other family
             „ Change in behavior                      „ Ask if it interacts with food or other medication or   8   Keep a list of personal coping   members, the focus is on
             „ Change in sleep patterns                                                                    strategies for different stressors.     family relationships.
             „ Change in eating habits                vitamins.                                                                                     „ Group– the focus is on a theme
             „ Diminished sexual interest              „ Ask if eating certain food makes its time release   8   Identify neutral resources you can   or topics that are common
             „ Fear of losing control                 speed up or slow down.                               use to research mental health           or shared. The individuals
             „ Low self esteem                         „ Try to take it at the same time every day.        questions.                              share with the group. Sessions
             „ No hope for the future                                                                                                              commonly run longer than 1
         Counseling, medication, or even more drastic     „ DO NOT take medication with alcohol.       8   Know the warning signs for drug and     hour.
         urgent measure may need to be taken. It is   If you want to research medication and possible side   alcohol abuse.
         time to listen and call for professional help.  effects, visit                                                              „ Marital– the focus is on
                                                                                                       8   Understand your mental health           the marital relationship.
                                                                                                           rights so you can keep an open mind     Building the relationships,
                                                          Disclaimer:                                      in stressful situations.                healing, raising children,
                                                          Learnovation, LLC’s mission is to empower people to manage
                              ©2017 Learnovation , LLC    their health.  This information is not intended as a substitute                          communicating, and intimate
                                All Rights Reserved.      for professional medical advice, emergency treatment or                                  relations. It can be the mental
                            formal first-aid training. Don’t use this information to
                                                          diagnose or develop a treatment plan for a health problem or                             health of one or both partners.
                                                          disease without consulting a qualified health-care provider.
                                                          If you’re in a life-threatening or emergency medical situation,
                                                          seek medical assistance immediately.
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