Page 1 - Study-Skills-Pamphlets-sample
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Take Action!                                                 Managing                                                           es,  you'd  much  rather  be  watching  TV  or

                                                                Big Projects                                                     Yplaying a video game right now, rather than        Study Skills
     Know Your Character:                                                                                                           reading a little guide on how to study. But      Series
                                                                                                                                     think of this as a mini book of cheat codes
     You will advance further in your quest for good grades and new   Assignment: Your instructor has given you                      (tips and tricks) for getting through your      No. 1
     skills when you know about your own character and how you learn.   four weeks to read a book and prepare an                     courses and your homework. You want to
     Playing Style:                                             in-class presentation. How do you get it                             succeed in class and have more time to enjoy
      Seeing – I learn best by seeing pictures, graphics, and by   done? It's all about strategy- make a plan                      life. This pamphlet compares studying to
                                                                of attack.
        writing and reading                                                                                                       playing a video game. Figuring out how to get
      Hearing – I learn best by listening to someone talk about a     ƒ  Keep track of the assignment- Put                    through the game and have fun at the same
        subject                                                    any handouts or notes you have on     time can make studying less of a chore, and help you win in the end.
      Doing – I want to imitate and practice what I learn by moving   the project in your folder. Plan ahead
        and acting it out                                          to get any materials and supplies you
     Strengths/Weaknesses:                                         need to finish the job.              Get Organized
     Mark each skill with an S or W to track your strengths and     ƒ  Break it up- Give yourself three weeks                                            Find These Items:
     weaknesses.                                                   to read the book and one week to                                                         ƒ  Assignment notebook
     ___Reading    ___Writing    ___Listening    ___Connecting ideas     prepare the presentation. If the book   Track Your Assignments                     ƒ  A calendar to record
     ___Organizing materials   ___Calculating   ___Following steps  has 150 pages, set a goal to read 50   The most important thing you can do to make       your assignments for         Studying Made Easier  Basic Study Skills
                                                                   pages each week. Then you will have a   homework go well is to use one notebook to record
     ___Figuring out problems   ___Making something                                                      all your assignments. Write down:                   each day, and to plan
     ___Researching   ___Other _________________                   week to create the presentation. Map                                                      for projects, tests, and
                                                                   your deadlines out on a calendar.
     Favorite/Least Favorite Subjects:                             Keep track of your progress- Check       ƒ  The assignment                                quizzes
     Mark each skill with an + or - to track your stronger and weaker     ƒ  your calendar at the beginning of each     ƒ  The due date                     ƒ  Folder for each class
     subjects.                                                     week to see if you are on track with     ƒ  Are there handouts or notes?                 ƒ  Notebook for each
     ___English/Language Arts   ___Math   ___Art   ___Science                                                                                                class
                                                                   your reading. Plan on taking extra time     ƒ  Do you need your book to do this?

     ___Social Studies   ___Physical Ed.   ___Business    ___Music    if you are behind.                    ƒ  Are there any special materials you need?    ƒ  Smart phone, laptop or
                                                                   ƒ  Reward yourself- Give yourself a   At the end of the day, take a few minutes to look at   tablet
     ___Other____________   ___Other____________                   reward when you meet your deadlines.   your notebook and plan what you need to take home.     ƒ  Printer and extra ink

                                                                                                                                    What’s Your Skill Rating?

                                                                                                                      Skill Rating = your grade
                                                               Additional Resources:
                              ©2017 Learnovation , LLC                                                                Skill Meter = assignment, tests, and quizzes
                                All Rights Reserved.            Creating Your Career Portfolio: At-                  Experience Meter = your knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs)
                                    A-Glance Guide for Students
                                                                Career Transitions Workbook                                                in an area
                                                                                                                      Health Meter =  how do you feel? Are you stressed out about
                                                                                                                                      classes, relaxed, or feeling good about things?
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