Page 1 - Study-Skills-Pamphlets-sample
P. 1
Take Action! Managing es, you'd much rather be watching TV or
Big Projects Yplaying a video game right now, rather than Study Skills
Know Your Character: reading a little guide on how to study. But Series
think of this as a mini book of cheat codes
You will advance further in your quest for good grades and new Assignment: Your instructor has given you (tips and tricks) for getting through your No. 1
skills when you know about your own character and how you learn. four weeks to read a book and prepare an courses and your homework. You want to
Playing Style: in-class presentation. How do you get it succeed in class and have more time to enjoy
Seeing – I learn best by seeing pictures, graphics, and by done? It's all about strategy- make a plan life. This pamphlet compares studying to
of attack.
writing and reading playing a video game. Figuring out how to get
Hearing – I learn best by listening to someone talk about a Keep track of the assignment- Put through the game and have fun at the same
subject any handouts or notes you have on time can make studying less of a chore, and help you win in the end.
Doing – I want to imitate and practice what I learn by moving the project in your folder. Plan ahead
and acting it out to get any materials and supplies you
Strengths/Weaknesses: need to finish the job. Get Organized
Mark each skill with an S or W to track your strengths and Break it up- Give yourself three weeks Find These Items:
weaknesses. to read the book and one week to Assignment notebook
___Reading ___Writing ___Listening ___Connecting ideas prepare the presentation. If the book Track Your Assignments A calendar to record
___Organizing materials ___Calculating ___Following steps has 150 pages, set a goal to read 50 The most important thing you can do to make your assignments for Studying Made Easier Basic Study Skills
pages each week. Then you will have a homework go well is to use one notebook to record
___Figuring out problems ___Making something all your assignments. Write down: each day, and to plan
___Researching ___Other _________________ week to create the presentation. Map for projects, tests, and
your deadlines out on a calendar.
Favorite/Least Favorite Subjects: Keep track of your progress- Check The assignment quizzes
Mark each skill with an + or - to track your stronger and weaker your calendar at the beginning of each The due date Folder for each class
subjects. week to see if you are on track with Are there handouts or notes? Notebook for each
___English/Language Arts ___Math ___Art ___Science class
your reading. Plan on taking extra time Do you need your book to do this?
___Social Studies ___Physical Ed. ___Business ___Music if you are behind. Are there any special materials you need? Smart phone, laptop or
Reward yourself- Give yourself a At the end of the day, take a few minutes to look at tablet
___Other____________ ___Other____________ reward when you meet your deadlines. your notebook and plan what you need to take home. Printer and extra ink
What’s Your Skill Rating?
Skill Rating = your grade
Additional Resources:
©2017 Learnovation , LLC Skill Meter = assignment, tests, and quizzes
All Rights Reserved. Creating Your Career Portfolio: At- Experience Meter = your knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) A-Glance Guide for Students
Career Transitions Workbook in an area
Health Meter = how do you feel? Are you stressed out about
classes, relaxed, or feeling good about things?