Page 15 - All Parenting Pamphlets 2016_Flat
P. 15

Good Ways to Communicate With Kids:            Toddlers                                           Dealing with Meltdowns             Exercise - Good Ways to Communicate

                                                       Toddlers are just learning to talk,                                                   What are positive ways to talk a child in these situations?
            „ Stop and Listen - Pay attention and hear what
            they are saying. Don’t focus on what you want to  so watch their body language and           Kids of all ages will occasionally           Situation              Good Communication
            say next, but really listen.               expressions to help understand                    act out and throw a fit when they
                                                       what they want. Your child will                   don’t get their way. Kids are learning   EXAMPLE:
            „ Repeat what they say in a more adult way –  pick up on your emotions by the                to express their strong emotions,   Your five year old is whining because   “You’ve had time to watch your
            “So, you feel that you are old enough to stay up  sound of your voice - loud and             so help them work through their    his TV time is up and he wants to keep   favorite show. Come help me get
                                                                                                                                                                          supper ready and tell me what
            until 8:30.”                               harsh or calm and soothing. Even                  feelings.                          watching TV.                  happened in the show today.”

            „ Help your child put their feelings into words  if you don’t know how much your
            –”It sounds like you are really sad because you  child understands, talk to them                „ Stay calm - Don’t yell back. You  Your teenager is complaining that you
            didn’t get picked for the team.”           anyway.                                              don’t have to feel or act on their  won’t let him play with a new friend
                                                                                                                                            because you haven’t met him yet. He
            „ Watch body language– The expression on your                  Preschoolers                     anger.                          doesn’t want you involved.
            face and how you hold your body when you talk                  Preschoolers are using           „ Let a tantrum run its course-
            can send a totally different message than your                 more sentences and NO is a       Many meltdowns start because    Your 14-year old daughter just wants
            words. We tend to trust body language more than                common word. They like to        kids don’t think you are        to hang out with her friends and barely
            the words. Watch the actions of your child.                                                     listening to them. They want    talks to you except to roll her eyes
                                                                           have discussions and imitate                                     when you ask her to do her chores.
            „ Listen to your tone– Sometimes it’s not what                 other people. Give them your     your attention and they want it
            you say but how you say it. Kids pick up on how                full attention, ask questions,   their way.
            loud you say it, and the emotions behind what                  and help them put their          „ Comfort them or leave them    Your 9-year old son is constantly
                                                                                                                                            pestering his 13-year old sister, driving
            you say.                                                       feelings and what’s bothering    alone if that’s what they want  her crazy.
            „ Don’t lecture or nag– Instead, tell them the                 them into words.                 „ Try not to feel embarrassed
            problem and ask them how they plan to solve it.                                                 and don’t threaten your child
            “You haven’t started your homework yet. What’s                                                  - Meltdowns happen to every     Your 4-year old is throwing a tantrum
            your plan for getting  it done so you can go to   School- Age Kids                              parent in the worst places. Know   because she doesn’t want to go to bed.
            bed on time?”                              Kids at this age                                     that the people around you have   What can you say and do to calm her
                                                       are becoming more                                                                    down?
            „ Stop and pause before you answer No– Take                                                     probably experienced it too and
            time to pause and listen to what your child has  independent and resistant                      feel sympathy for you.
            said. Even if your answer is probably no, it let’s   to parents. They may doubt                                                 Your 11-year old daughter who is
                                                                                                                                            usually talking all the time and happy,
            them feel that you’ve listened to what they said.   or criticize parents and                                                    is sitting at dinner very quiet and not
                                                       may be more private about
            „ Pick your battles– It’s OK to negotiate with your  their thoughts. Find time to                                               eating her food. What would you do?
            kids sometimes, especially when it’s not that big  talk to them, asking them
            a deal. “We’re leaving in 10 minutes.” “Can I   specific questions and                                                          Every time you get home from work
            have 20?” “How about 15?”  “OK.”           showing them respect by listening to what they are                                   your 3-year old is tugging on you
                                                                                                                                            wanting you to play. All you want to do
                                                       saying. Don’t take silence or impulsive remarks                                      is change clothes and relax.
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