Page 27 - All Parenting Pamphlets 2016_Flat
P. 27

What I Need From My Mom and Dad                                                                 Exercise - What’s Working Now?

         Think of your divorce from your child’s point of view:                                          Whether you are just facing separation or have been divorced for several years, it helps
             „ I need both of you to stay involved in my life.                                           to take a realistic look at where you are now, what areas of your life are working well, and
                                                                                                         where you have challenges. For each of the main topics below, rate your current status
             „ Please stop fighting and work hard to get along                                           (Good, OK, Help!) List any issues you have, and what action you can take to help the
             with each other.                                                                            situation get better.

             „ I want to love you both and enjoy the time that I  spend with each of you.                                           Current
             „ Please communicate directly with my other parent so that I don’t have to send messages back        Topics             Status                 Issues             Action to Take
             and forth.
                                                                                                         Basic Needs
             „ When talking about my other parent, please say only nice things, or don’t say anything at all.  Housing
             „ Please remember that I want both of you to be a part of my life.                          Food and clothing
                                                                         Source: University of Missouri  My job
                                                        Co-Parenting                                     Child support payments / Alimony
         Working with Your Ex                                                                            My health and emotional needs
                                                        If you have joint physical custody, with your kids
         It’s not always easy to talk to your ex, especially   sharing equal time with your ex, then you’ve   Physical health
         if you still don’t get along. Try to remember to   made a commitment to get along with your ex   Emotional support
         put the needs of your children first above your   and put the kids first. Here are ideas to make this   Other realtionships / dating
         feelings.                                                                                       Communicating with my Ex
                                                        transition work better for your kids.
             „ Stick to business– Keep your conversation    „ Try to have consistent rules– kids do better  About finances and support
             focused on the kids. You don’t need to        when the basic rules of homework, bedtime,    Decision making with my ex
                                                                                                         Communicating about the kids
             bring up your personal life and challenges.   curfew etc. are the same in both houses. The   Scheduling transitions
             „ Make requests instead of demands–           same goes for punishment. If Joe has lost TV   My relationship to my kids
             “Could we do...” instead of “You need to      privileges in one house, he should lose it in the
             ...” People get less defensive.               other.                                        Daily life at home
                                                                                                         Routines/ Discipline
                                                           „ Remind kids a day or two in advance of the
             „ Show restraint– Don’t push your ex’s                                                      Issues with the divorce
             buttons and don’t react when yours are        visit– Give your kids time to mentally get ready  Extra responsibilities
                                                           to make the shift. Pack in advance and be
             pushed. (You know what they are!)             ready to go.                                  Kids relationship with Ex
             „ Relax a little– Kids aren’t a possession,    „ Maintain a routine– Routines give kids     Involvement of my Ex in their lives
             be willing to be a little flexible. If your ex  stability and they do better knowing what’s  Differences between households
             needs an extra hour for a special event       expected.
             with your child, give it to her. She will be     „ Respect your ex– So, they don’t do things in  Visitation
             more likely to be flexible in return, and it’s   exactly the same way at his house - don’t try to   Transitioning issues
             in the best interest of your child.           control the situation, as long as your kids are   Challenges before or after visit
                                                           safe and you agree on the basics, be flexible.
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