Page 10 - Parenting-Pamphlets-sample
P. 10
When it comes to being a good parent, it's not L�AR N OVATION�
just about providing for your child's basic needs,
but it also means taking time to get to know
them as people, appreciating them for who
they are, and helping them to grow up to be
good adults. Showing kids love and affection,
building self-esteem, putting rules in place,
sticking with them when they drive you crazy,
and having fun are all part of being a parent.
You Are A Role Model
As a parent, you are a role model for your children. Kids are watching your
physical and your emotional responses to different situations. They are
learning from you what "normal" behavior is. One of the toughest jobs we
have as parents is to set the good example we want our kids to follow. If
you tell your kids not to smoke or do drugs, but you do them yourself, what
message is your child really getting? If you yell at your daughter for lying,
--------------------------, but then she sees you tell the
Reali ty Check ... server at the restaurant that
she is 11 instead of 12, to get
the child discount, she's really
* You are a big role model for your learning that it's OK to lie.
children. Consider how your actions Young children act out what
will impact your kids. they see, and repeat what
* Don't try to be the "perfect" parent, they hear, sometimes to our
but work to do your best embarrassment. It takes great
* Good parents find a balance between self-control to think about your
being strict and giving in, and being own actions and how they will
involved without being too controlling. affect your kids. It also means
* Positive words help kids think better taking the time to get your own
life under control, dealing with
about themselves. issues of self-esteem, money,
* Take time to make changes in and work.
yourself, whether you need to manage
your anger, learn to say no, or find a
better job. Your kids pick up on how
you feel about yourself too.