Page 6 - Parenting-Pamphlets-sample
P. 6

                                 Parenting is a full-time job, and the more
                                 you know about kids and how they grow,
                                 the easier it will be to manage the ups and
                                  downs of raising kids. Kids are always
                                  changing and growing from birth to their
                                  teenage years, and knowing what to expect
                                  can give you a head start. As your child
                           grows, the ways you talk with your child, play,
   discipline, and treat them will change. This pamphlet gives a big picture
   overview of what's going on in a child's life at different ages. Use this as a
   starting point for learning how your kids grow and change.
   How kids react to the world and their environment is a set of in-born traits. Knowing
   these traits will help you better predict how your children will act in different settings.
   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  ,  D fferent Personaliti es
   Reality Check...                    Activity level - Do they have trouble sitting
                                       still, or do they prefer more quiet activities?

   * Kids develop at different rates   Mood -Are they usually in a happy mood or
       in different areas. Growing up is  more serious?
       not a contest.                  Sensitivity- How sensitive are they to
   * Kids are not mini-adults, so      sounds, touch, temperature, and how things
       don't treat them that way.

   * Take time to learn about what     Intensity- Does everything become a
       to expect from kids at different  Regularity- Do they like routines or are they
       ages. You'll be better prepared  more unpredictable?
       for doing your job as a parent.  Adaptability - Do they accept changes in

   * You will make mistakes as a       situations easily or does it take longer?
       parent. Learn from your mistakes Does it take longer for them to get
       and teach your kids to do the   comfortable in a new setting?
       same.                           Distractibility- How easily does your child
   * Every child is different, and your  get distracted? Do they have a long or short
       parenting will be different from  attention span?
       others. There is no one right way  Persistence -How much time are they
       to parent.                      willing to spend on an activity? Do they get
                                       very involved or lose interest quickly?
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