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Making it Count!                                Résumé Tips                                                                       résumé is an overview of your skills, work

                                                        ƒ  If your work experience is stronger than your                               Aexperiences, and education. Your résumé      Job Skills
                                                           education, list it first.                                                   gives employers a quick way to see if you     Workforce
       ƒ  Use your résumé as a starting point for creating                                                                             would be a good person to fill a job opening.
          a account online. More people can  ƒ  List your most recent experiences first in each                           Most résumés are 1 to 2 pages long            No. 3
          see your skills and it is a good way to network  section of your résumé.                                                     depending on your job experience and
          with people in your career field.             ƒ  List things you’ve accomplished and the
                                                           responsibilities with each position.                                        education. If you are using a job search
       ƒ  Your résumé is an overview of your skills and                                                                                website, you will upload a copy of your
          talents. Keep it up-to-date, and change it to  ƒ  Tell the truth on your  résumé. Don’t exaggerate                           résumé to their site, and then attach your
          match the employer needs for each job.           or try to make yourself look better. Focus on the  résumé when applying for a job. Employers can also search the résumés
                                                           skills and abilities you do have to offer.
                                                                                                         posted on these job sites for qualified people, so your résumé needs to focus
                                                         Use Keywords                                    on your skills and abilities to do the job.
       Creating A Résumé
                                                         Many companies take the résumés they            Your may have several versions of your résumé, each one targeting specific
       ƒ   Word processing programs like Microsoft Word  receive and scan them into a computer, then     skills needed to do different jobs. If you are looking for an entry-level job in
           come with several styles of résumé templates.  use a search engine to look for keywords and   retail or in fast food, you should focus on how your skills meet the specific
           Enter your information onto the form following  phrases that relate to the job. Make sure     needs of each employer.
           the template.                                 your résumé uses keywords that will help you                        ©2017 Learnovation®, LLC
       ƒ   Start by creating a basic résumé that lists all   make the cut.                             The Employer’s View                           Types of Résumés                            Creating Your Résumé
           your key information.
                                                         ƒ Software programs                                                                    There are several ways of organizing
       ƒ   Before you apply for a job, look at the                                                                               For Evaluation Only
                                                                                                                                                a résumé depending on your
           requirements of the position and then look at  ƒ Job titles                                   The most recent study shows that       experiences, skills, and target job.
           your résumé. Are there any keywords or terms  ƒ Company  or                                   many employers actually looked
           used in the job description that you could add or  school names                               at a résumé for about 6 seconds.       These are the two most popular
           change in your résumé? Use the job description                                                Recruiters scan for the basic
           as a guide to adjust your résumé to meet the  ƒ Equipment and                                 information of:                        Chronological résumés–
           needs of the employer, and you will be closer to  tools you use                                                                      Information is organized by date.
           getting an interview.                            on the job.                                  8  name                                Information is listed with the most
                                                                                                         8  current position, company, and      recent experiences first. This is the
                                                                                                            dates                               most common and straightforward
                                                                                                                                                résumé format. The résumé on the
                                                                                                         8  previous positions, company,        next page is in chronological format.
                                                                                                            and dates
                                                             Learnovation, LLC’s mission is to empower people                                   Functional/ Skill résumés– This type
                                                             to manage their own careers. We believe in a   8  education.                       of résumé is designed to highlight
                   ©2015 Learnovation , LLC All Rights Reserved., LLC All Rights Reserved.
                   ©2017 Learnovation ® ®                    holistic approach to job readiness - job skills and                                accomplishments and specific skills.
                        life skills working together to bring out the best in   Making your résumé clear and
                                                             people.                                                                            It is organized by the different kinds
                                                                                                         concise is critical to making the      of skills you can perform.
                                                                                                         cut and getting an interview.
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