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Making it Count! Watch Your Body Language What is conflict? In simple terms, conflict is
People tend to believe what your body is saying a disagreement among two or more people.
more than the words you speak. Your body Conflict is a normal part of everyday life. Workforce
If you have an ongoing conflict – find a way speaks through your: Whenever there is more than one person in a Life Skills
to deal with it directly. Ongoing conflict Eye contact Voice room, there is a chance they will disagree. We No. 9
creates tension in all areas of your life. tend to think of conflict as a bad thing, but
Take time to listen. Really focus and give Gestures and posture Touch when we challenge other’s opinions, stand up
the people you love and respect the attention Facial expressions Intensity for ourselves, or argue for a good idea, we can
they deserve. make positive change in a situation. There are
basic rules for handling conflict, and we’ll look at specific ways to use those at
Exercise - The Wrong Way... / A Better Way... home and on the job. The main reasons for conflict are:
ignoring your needs or someone else’s needs.
Try to stay calm as you work through conflict and don’t let your emotions decide what you say or do. Describe
how you feel about the problem the next time you have a disagreement and ask the other person to do the differing beliefs.
same. Focus on “how” you say what you mean so that your words will not be misunderstood. Listed below are the struggle for power in decision making.
some right ways and wrong ways to send the same message. How would you shift the messages below? ignoring other people’s feelings.
A Better Way...
The Wrong Way... ©2017 Learnovation®, LLC
You don’t like me. I feel you don’t like the way I do things. My Well-Being GOOD CHOICES Handling Conflict
You never pay attention to me. I feel we don’t spend enough time together. For Handling Conflict
Can we talk about the mess you made?
Clean that up. For Evaluation Only Choose a quiet place to talk about
Now you come up with a better way to say it: Social well-being is connecting the conflict.
with people and feeling
You’re such a slob. supported. You’ll improve your Make sure you have enough time to
social well-being when you:
Get over here. 8 Learn to resolve conflict in Have a neutral body language and
positive ways. try not to look upset or angry.
Shut up and listen! Don’t get sidetracked by blaming the
8 Have a group of supportive
people around you to help other person or talking about past
you work through different problems.
situations. Listen to the other person without
Learnovation, LLC’s mission is to empower people 8 Deal with conflict directly – interrupting them.
to manage their own careers. We believe in a don’t ignore it or wish it away. Listen with an open mind.
©2017 Learnovation ® ® , LLC All Rights Reserved. holistic approach to job readiness - job skills and
©2015 Learnovation , LLC All Rights Reserved. life skills working together to bring out the best in 8 Realize that not all conflict is Don’t judge, accuse, or use put-
people. bad. downs.
Take responsibility for your actions.