Page 44 - WF-Pamphlets-sample
P. 44
Exercise: Recognizing When You Are Angry Ways to Help Children Deal With Anger
None of the anger management steps work unless you recognize when you are angry. Try keeping Get the child to tell you about the anger – have them put it into words. Often children will
an anger management log using words that describe your emotions. Think about what triggers talk about issues bothering them while they play.
your anger. What does your body do when you get angry? How can you take responsibility for
being angry? As the parent, remember to praise good behavior whenever you see it. Kids need to hear good
Feeling Keywords things about themselves!
Anger Management Log Suggest good choices such as:
Angry Kind
Keywords Annoyed Lazy – Walk away
How You Describing Anxious Left out – Get a teacher
©2017 Learnovation®, LLC
Date Event Responded Your Feelings Bad Lonely – Ask the kids to make suggestions.
EXAMPLE I cussed at Marco for Yelled/screamed in Frustrated, mad, tired, Betrayed Mad Explain some OK ways to take anger out on the right objects like a
9/26 not returning the supply break room – but I upset, fed up, worried Bored Mean punching bag, gym toy, or coloring book. Children need the chance to
cart to the storeroom did not hit him. I will lose my job, but I Brave Nervous physically work out anger without doing harm to themselves or another
again and told he was don’t think I was wrong Calm Nice person.
For Evaluation Only
an *$#$@**. I am tired for telling him off. Cheated Panicked Hug the child, sit next to the child, or nurture the child in some way.
of him being lazy and Confused Peaceful Let your child know that, even as an adult, you can get angry sometimes,
making excuses for not Determined Pleased too. Work together to think of ways to handle anger.
doing the job. Eager Pretty Kids can get antisocial when they get angry, and they often act out
Energetic Proud in an inappropriate way. Issues of abuse or other concerns may also
Excited Rage be impacting behavior. Stay focused and be with the child. Be firm and
Exhausted Relieved consistent. Do not make the child feel shame.
Fearful Sad
Foolish Scared Exercise: How Would You Help?
Frightened Shocked List two things to do with your child at
Frustrated Sorry home to help them cope with their anger.
Greedy Stunned
Happy Tense Your child is angry with a friend next door.
Helpful Tired How would you help them?
Homesick Uneasy
Hurt Violent Your child is being bullied at school. How
Hysterical Wonderful can you help?
Jealous Worried