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Making it Count! Getting Started Moving into a new home for the first time can
Furniture Essentials - If your house or be challenging. The first thing you see are Workforce
empty rooms, and it is your job to furnish the
Focus on your “needs” and not your apartment is unfurnished, you will need to room, apartment, or house. This pamphlet Life Skills
“wants” when setting up your new look at each area of your home and decide gives you information on the basic items No. 14
household. what furniture you need. Most people start needed to get you set up in your household. It
out with the following items:
Check all sources of free furnishings also provides tips on how to get organized to
before you spend money. Kitchen table and chairs save time and make good choices while on a
Organize your time between your job and Bed(s) budget.
your household needs to avoid stress. Dresser(s) The skills you use to get organized and succeed in your personal life can also
©2017 Learnovation®, LLC
Stick to your budget in setting up your new Night stand transfer to success in your work life. Many employers find that people don’t
household and use your creativity. Comfortable chairs for the living room have problems doing their jobs, but they fail when problems from their personal
Sofa life interfere. Setting up routines and getting your household in order can help
For Evaluation Only
Finding Furniture on a Budget Side table(s) you be better prepared for work.
TV table.
Shop at the home of parents and family to My Well-Being Start-up Expenses Household
see what they do not use or will let you have. Setting Up Your New
Check local listings in the newspaper for Rent - You may be required to
garage sales and auctions. Your home is often a reflection of pay the last month’s rent as a
Shop at thrift and consignment stores to find your personal well-being. deposit at the same time
used furniture and other needed furnishings. 8 Keep your home clean Utilities:
Search Craig’s List Free stuff, Ebay, and IKEA 8 Organize your areas so you have Electricity
for free and low cost buys. space to relax and space to Natural gas
Use old things that you, your family, and work. Water, sewer, trash pickup
friends may have in new ways or in new 8 Pick up your cluttered areas Telephone
rooms. and put things away. You’ll feel Cable service (TV, Internet)
Some of these services may
Learnovation, LLC’s mission is to empower people 8 Set goals for purchasing things require deposits. Arrange to
to manage their own careers. We believe in a for your household. have these turned on before
©2017 Learnovation ® ® , LLC All Rights Reserved. holistic approach to job readiness - job skills and
©2015 Learnovation , LLC All Rights Reserved. life skills working together to bring out the best in 8 Invite friends and family to your you move in.
people. new home and enjoy sharing
your space.