Page 6 - Terri 60 years
P. 6
t’s hard to know what to counter tops, shelves,
write in a summary of flooring, etc all over again.
Imemories from someone Moving to two different
you’ve shared a life and love countries in 3 years can be
with for over 35 years. I’ll a challenge and a strain on
start at the beginning and any marriage, but I have to
tell the story of how I fell say, Terri embraced the spirit
in love at first sight when I of adventure for both our
met Terri in the corridors of postings to Ohio and York.
Nestlé in 1984. And I have nothing but fond
Her bio had made the memories of the experience
rounds and something in and friends we met along
it caught my attention as a the way. Terri was always our
fellow lover of travel - she inspiration to go somewhere
spoke several languages and or do something in the
especially loved the romance area, so much so, that locals
languages. I was intrigued would say “Oh, you went
to meet this worldly lady there. I’ve always wanted to
and my heart literally go there.
stopped when Rod Balson We travelled extensively and
came down the hall with I always cherished the time
his new recruit to introduce we had to enjoy each other
us. Of course, Terri was without the distractions of
smiling as she always does, work, parents, or whatever
but the sparkle in her eye else occupied our minds
caught mine, and I’ll never while we’re at home.
forget the moment I started
believing in love at first sight. It’s hard to pick the best trips
from the many we did but
Of course the road of a top 10 would definitely
marriage is not a straight one include:
and we had many curves and
bumps on ours. Building Our Honeymoon in Spain and
a house and a cottage Portugal.
will do that, although it The first trip back to Italy to
energized our creative juices meet the family in 1989. (I
and taught us how to work gained 5 lbs in a week but the
together to a common goal. family loved me!)
Seems like the building A tour of England and
never really ended either Scotland by car with Bob and
as we’ve just about finished Nancy, Graeme and Jenny.
the major first floor reno
and were back at it picking Costa Rica on our own, then