Page 7 - Terri 60 years
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again with Gemma over New When Gemma came into our sums up Terri’s attitude to life
Year’s. lives it obviously changed in a nutshell.
South America visiting family, things. We tried to take the Congrats on making 60 look
friends and Patagonia, then attitude that we’ll try to do so easy. It’s just a number
10 years later to Peru and what we’ve always done and and I know it won’t slow you
Machu Pichu. what we want to do and she down, it’ll just increase the
will just come along for the urgency to live life to the
France with the Prowse’s ride. That worked often, but
celebrating their 25th and our not always, as the patrons of fullest as per your motto for
20th. a restaurant in Key West will life “Carpe Diem” I hope this
First big retirement trip to attest to! book reminds you of some of
the amazing memories you’ve
Southeast Asia to Hong I got to learn fi rst hand what created for your many friends
Kong, Cambodia, Thailand an amazing mother Terri and family.
and Laos with friends John would become and her love
and Ellen. of family has never wavered. Here’s to many more
Taking Jacob and Gemma on She was the rock for the memories together, at home,
at the cottage, travelling,
a graduation trip to Azores, Tinella family as her parents golfi ng, cycling, wherever and
Italy and England. aged and the needs changed whenever, I’ll look forward to
And my own 60th birthday - dramatically for her parents doing it with you.
hiking trip in Newfoundland over the last 5 years. Love you always,
(I think that’s 11 but who’s Terri loves nothing more than
counting). having family around the Bruce
Of course, there have been dinner table, eating, talking
many more trips to wonderful and sharing stories of our day.
places and with great friends In a funny way this Covid-19
and family but these seemed spring has been a joy as we
to mark signifi cant milestones enjoyed dinners at home with
in our life and were certainly fi ne food, old wine, lively
some of the happiest times discussion and games after
we’ve ever experienced dinner almost every night.
together. Talk about making the best
of a situation; that probably 5