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                                                                                                                           e Medicine

                                                                                 Through Stem Cell

                                                                                                                                      Regenerative medicine offers what                 That isn’t to say that conventional
             干细胞也被称为祖细胞、人体所有细胞系                                它们不断受到环境和生活方式等因素的影                                                     conventional medicine cannot. Instead            medicine doesn’t have its uses. The

             的源细胞。它们的名字来源于这样一个生                                响,导致细胞健康受到持续性的损害。 这                                                    of targeting the problem with a drug or          advancement of medical science today
             物学事实:人体内所有类型的细胞都来源                                些因素包括饮食不当或营养不良、细胞老                                                     chemical—like much of conventional               has contributed to longer lives and
                                                                                                                                      medicine—regenerative medicine                   cures for diseases. Regenerative
             于这些干细胞。简而言之,我们身体里的                                化,因老化而减少的细胞数量,以及来源                                                     promises healing using the body’s own            medicine could capitalise on this
             每一个细胞都曾经是干细胞,只是这些干                                于环境中的机械或化学元素对人体的损                                                      regenerative capabilities. Regenerative          progress and allow for alternative or
             细胞还没有专门化或分化出来,并不具有                                伤。更不幸的是,发生在细胞的每一种有                                                     medicine utilises stem cells that                complementary treatment alongside
             某一特定功能。                                           害变化都将以某种形式反映于人体,且通                                                     differentiate into cells that an ailing           conventional medicine. Convalescence,
                                                                                                                                      body needs. These stem cells will then           in particular, is what regenerative
                                                               常表现为人体某一部位健康状况的不佳。                                                     receive signals from the body and                medicine excels at, and has proven to
                                                                                                                                      differentiate into the required cells in          provide rapid recovery to those
             强大的复制能力。相较于成人,它们在胚                                目前可以论证的一点是,对于克服衰老和                                                     attempt to repair or replace them.               overcoming a disease.
             胎和婴儿体内演化分裂得更加频繁。 将这                               健康状况的恶化,最好的方法就是用新                                                      Regenerative medicine makes no
             种不断分化能力与其能分化成各种细胞类                                的、活跃的细胞再生和替换体内的所有有                                                     compromise, nor does it attempt to               Regenerative medicine aims to heal
                                                                                                                                      harm your body in hopes that it would            your body with your own resources,
             型的能力相结合,干细胞便得以修复和再                                缺陷的细胞;这在很大程度上可以通过使
                                                                                                                                      harm the disease-causing pathogen                and it’s effective at it too—no one
             生人类遭受病菌侵蚀的身体部位。事实上,                               用干细胞技术和再生医学疗法来实现。它                                                     more. It fixes what is broken instead of          knows your body better than you. It’s
             我们体内的600亿细胞都是由干细胞生成并                              也不仅仅止步于此:由于干细胞的性质和                                                     destroying it.                                   massive healing potential, along with
                                                                                                                                                                                       its anti-ageing and disease prevention
             作用于人体的。                                           细胞老化的机制,延缓人体衰老进程和预
                                                                                                                                                                                       properties makes regenerative
                                                               防疾病也是可行的。                                                                                                               medicine well poised to be the new
                                                                                                                                                                                       paradigm of modern medicine.
             态。 然而,完全保护我们体内的细胞不受



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