Page 9 - islamic studies agenda
P. 9
• Kindergarten: Al-Fatiha, Naas, Falaq & Ikhlaas
• Level 1: Masad, Nasr, Kaafiroon, Kausar & Ma’oon
• Level 2: Quraish, Feel, Humazah, Asr, Takasur & Qari’ah
• Level 3 Aadiyaat, Zalzalah, Bayyinah & Qadr
• Level 4: Alaq, Teen, Sharah, Duha & Lail
• Level 5: Shams, Balad & Fajr
• Level 6: Ghashiyah, Alaa & Tariq
*As we know we have 30 minutes to teach Quran. The objective is for student to learn 1-3 lines per week (based on their level). This should include memorization, word for word analysis and learning lessons from the ayaat. Students in level 2 & up should also memorize the meaning of each word.
DU’AA: See attached
Throughout the year there will be regular tests. Below are the guidelines for the test:
• Test every 5 chapters, test should include written and oral
o All topics such as Islamic Studies, Dua’s, Quran and salah must be on the test
• Teachers must email a review sheet to parents prior to each test
• Please send the test to admin for review prior to finalizing
• Results of test should be communicated to parents within 1 week of the test
• Teachers must have a discussion with parents of students who are falling behind.
Islamic studies academic year will be divided in 2 semesters
Term 1: November 4th to March 10th
• Report card due March 13th
• Report card distribution day March 24th
Term 2: April 1st to September 29th
• Report card due date: October 2nd
• Report card distribution date: October 13th