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do not pass Him.” However, the limitless   phrase “kun fayakun” ---”be”, then all   who wrote about Javanese mysticism.   of divinity. And to achieve this level one
 sea actualizes itself in five emanations,   separated itself from all other.   “Good” and “evil” have blended in   needs a perfect teacher, because:
 which stem from the ta’ayyun awal   In Hamzah’s cosmogony, that separation   the concept of eternal and singular   “This secret is too difficult. If the
 (consisting of knowledge, existence,   process was undergone through the   universality.  teachers would not be perfect and
 vision, and light) through the light of   intercession of the light of Muhammad.  Because Hamzah Fansuri is regarded   the students not wise, it cannot be
 Muhammad, when the “waves” and   as an example of radical Sufi thought,   attained, for when only with desire,
 the “sea” start to be distinguished from   In the concept of universality as a   the reformist elements of his writings   it would become a heretical school.
 each other, then manifest itself in the   reflection of the Real Essence, Hamzah   are often overlooked. In addition to   Therefore, for God’s sake, do not
 differentiated souls (human, animal, and   said, “majesty” (jalal) and “beauty”   his aesthetic call for the community   disclose this secret outside its proper
 plant) to finally, in the fourth and fifth   (jamal) have their place ---”i.e. that   to be mindful of Islamic ethics and   place. Wallah billah wa kalam Allah
 stages, become the natural reality of   everything that is right derives from   the teachings of the Prophet and the   (by God, in God, and by His Words)
 the universe. However, all of this was   jamal, but all evil derives from jalal,   Quran, he also criticized the then still   for God’s sake, do not show this to
 because of Allah’s divine will (iradah), not   unbelief comes from jalal, Islam is from   ongoing practice of meditation and he   just anybody, because the secret is
 because something that just happened to   jamal, Heaven from jamal, hell is from   showed the correct way to become   too difficult.”26
 happen.  jalal, anger is from jalal, forgiveness is   nearer to Allah. It might well be, as
 from jamal.  Jalal and jamal are two            One of Syamsuddin al-Sumatrani’s
 In his writings, Hamzah consciously   aspects of the Essence that manifests   Brakel said,  that this is a sign that   contributions to the development of
 distinguished the scholars of the sharia,   itself in the human mind when people   yoga was still practiced in Aceh. In other   mystical thought is his creation of a
 who observe things from the outside,   observe worldly phenomena. Evil and   words, unexpectedly, Siwa-Buddhist   systematic cosmogony, martabat tujuh,
 and the people of the mystical path   goodness are worldly realities, but both   influences were apparently rooted in   “the seven emanations”, modified from
 (ahlu suluk), who look for reality’s true   dissolve in universalism. At the highest   Aceh. However, his criticism and advice   the al-Tuhfa al-Musala ila Ruh al-Nabi,
 essence. The people of the mystical   stage, “the waves and the sea are   also shows that Hamzah was not only   written by Muhammad ibn Fadl Allah al-
 path were people who “never forget   inseparable.” In his system, Hamzah   busy with his attempts to become closer   Burhanpuri (1590).  This book was very
 themselves, because the Divine Prophet   clearly differentiates these emanations   to the essential oneness. His advice
 said: man a’rafa nafsahu faqad ‘arafa   of reality, but the relativism between the   also shows his transformative longing   26.  Quoted from Iskandar, 1965b.
 rabbahu, namely anyone who knows   manifestations of “evil” and “good” are   for religious life. But here it seems that   27.  Al-Tuhfa al-Mursala ila Ruh al-Nabi (translated
 himself would know God”.  In this   often insurmountable. Perhaps it is also   Syamsuddin al-Sumatrani was more   by A.H. Johns, 1965, entitled The Gift Addressed
 context he mainly showed how relative   this relativism that captivated authors   prominent. He was more ta teacher   to the Spirit of the Prophet) is one of the most
                                                 influential mystical works in Southeast Asia.
 all differentiations of reality is, when all is   than a restless seeker. In his writings,   Moreover, the story of the book that was written
 returned to their origins ---i.e. the highest   he always reminded his audience that   in 1590 is long enough, although it totals no
 Essence which possesses the will and   24.  From Sharab al-Asyikin, quoted by Drewes   only those who had been educated   more than 9 folios. The Javanese text that
 & Brakel, 1986:170 -171. The concepts of “jalal”
                                                 Johns also used, is in fact, as stated by Ricklefs
 the power to manifest all reality with the   and “jamal” could originate from the well-known   could understand the esoteric elements   (1973), first belonged to Kangjeng Bendoro
 tradition of Qalb al-mu’min bayna usbu’ayn min   Raden Ayu Danukusumo, the daughter of Sultan
 23.  In Sharab al-Asyikin, quoted from Iskandar,   asabi ‘al-Rahman — “the heart of a Muslim is   Hamengkubuwono I (1749-92) and the sister of
 1965.  between the two fingers of the Most Beneficient.”  25. Brakel, 1979: 74–75.   Hamengkubuwono II (1792-1810, 1811-12, 1826-

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