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influential in the archipelago. Not only   into two groups, namely a’yan tabithah   One exciting and controversial issue is   In 1637 Nuruddin al-Raniri  landed
 Syamsuddin and even al-Raniri, but also   (consisting of ahadiyah, wahdah,   Ronggowarsito’s attempt to include his   Second, the wahdah, which means that knowledge
 other, anonymous authors composed   wahidiyah) and a’yan kharijah (alam   concepts of mystical teachings into the   has to bow before the Essence, attributes, and all
 many commentaries on this book that   arwah, alam mithal, alam ajsam, alam   Javanese world view. So ahadiyat in   that exists on the general road (jalan ijmal). This
                                                 situation is called the Essence of Muhammadiah
 was deeply influenced by books written   insan), starting from a situation of total   the “seven emanations”, which is also   (hakikat Muhammadiah). Third, the wahidiah, is
 by Ibn ‘Arabi and al-Jili. 28  nothingness, to the highest level of the   called sajaratulyakin, is human nature   like His knowledge on the substance, all attributes
 most real.  called atma; the light of Muhammad   and all existing entities on the particular road (jalan
 In a text, which may have been written          tafsil). These three emanations are eternal (kadim)
 by a pupil of al-Sumatrani,  it is said   After having been introduced, the   is the “martabat wahdat”, which is   and called the Divine emanations. The fourth
                                                 emanation is the world of the spirits (alam arwah),
 that before anything existed, there was   teachings of “the seven emanations”   located beneath ahadiyat, i.e. manawa.   namely the domain of all souls associated with a
 only God, al-Haqq. From this total and   mentioned above have been very   And so on. Perhaps, the opinion that   few cases, assembled under the word “kun” (lit.
 all-encompassing concept of oneness   influential. The doctrine teaches that the   Ronggowarsito, like his predecessors   be), with no more intermediary. The fifth emanation
                                                 is the world of resemblance (alam mithal), where
 flowed the “martabat wahdat” (lit. unitary   creation process went through several   (Yosodipuro I and II), tried to combine   the spirit of the Prophet Muhammad is divided
 emanations), meaning “yang punya esa”   stages and that reality consists of various   Javanese tradition and knowledge with   into countless collections. Each parable has a
                                                 different meaning and belongs to a spiritual form of
 (lit. He who owns oneness). After that   levels within the “essential” emanation   Islamic elements is also true.  community. The sixth emanation is the so-called
 came the “martabat wahdiat” (the single   which is also reflected in various religious   Developments in orthodoxy did not   world of bodies (alam ajsam), made from the four
 level), meaning “yang esa” (the one),   texts thought to have been written by   do away with this mystical notion. The   elementss fire, air, water, and soil from which
                                                 originate organic elements, like animals, plants,
 from which emanated “alam arwah”   the West Javanese legendary scholar,   great 19  century Patani, Sheikh Abdul   humans, and jinns. These animate objects are still
 (the nature of spirits), “alam mithal” (the   Sheikh Haji Abdul Rauf, who was   30  Kadir Abdul Rahim Patani, is a clear   under the word “kun”. The seventh emanation is
                                                 that of perfect man, thus called because it contains
 supposedly one of Singkel’s disciples.
 nature of resemblance), “alam ajsam   In fact, also in a more literary and   example. Although in his writings he   all emanations both physical and spiritual ---the
 (physical nature), and finally “alam insan   sophisticated style and using different   made references to Nuruddin al-Raniri,   eternal such as the Ahadiah, which also includes
 (human nature). Using other categories,   terminology, this teaching reveals itself in   he wrote his book in an atmosphere of   the Wahdah and Wahidiyah. This essence is
                                                 called a‘yan thabitah (fixed objects), which are still
 the emanations of reality were divided   the Wirid Hidayat Jati said to have been   “emanation”. 33  subjugated to Divine Knowledge, while the next
 28). And indeed, according to Carey (1975) this   written by the very famous poet of the   books, either on literature, history, or ethics,   four emanations are called a‘yan kharijiah, i.e. the
                                                 expelled objects, which are only reflections of the
 book was studied by small groups of aristocrats   31  Ronggowarsito was always quoted in crisis   fixed objects. Javanese mysticism as discussed by
 in the palace. Raden Ayu Danukusumo, who was   Surakarta palace, Ronggowarsito.  situations, especially his Kalatida.  Zoetmulder (1990: 115-136) uses the same system,
 born around 1771, was married to a descendant of   30.  Santrie, 1987. This ulama is one of the   32.  Simuh, 1987.  except that his attention is mainly focussed on a
 the family of Danurejo, the family of the governor   Javanese “holy men” Rinkes discussed in his   discussion of the first three emanations, which are
 who entertained close relations with santri families.   unfinished series of writings (Rinkes, 1912).   33.  Sheikh Kadir Patani (died 1864) was a member   within “divinity”.
 In two separated chronicles it is mentioned that the   of the Syattariah Sufi order – thus a follower of
 Tuhfa, in addition Pangeran Diponegoro studied   31.  Raden Ngabehi Ronggowarsito (1802-1873)   Sheikh Abdur Rauf al-Singkili. On his writings   34.  Nur al Din Muhammad ibn Ali ibn Hasan ibn
 also other books on Islamic mysticism and law, and   is generally considered the last court-poet of   about “the seven emanations”, Hasan (1980: 56-  Muhammad or better known as Nuruddin al-Raniri
 the history of the prophet Muhammad.  the Javanese tradition. Like his predecessors,   57) explains:  was born in Ranir, an old port city in Gujarat near
                                                 Surat, India. His date of birth is unknown. He was
          “Abdul Kadir presented the ‘seven emanations’
 Yosodipuro I and Yosodipuro II (about Yosodipuro,
 28.  On Ibn ‘Arabi see Kautsar Azhari Noer’s   see Soebandi, 1969) he studied Islam (in   system in an understandable and straighforward   of Arab al-Hamid aristocratic descent, one of
 dissertation, published in 1995.   Pesantren Tegalsari, Ponorogo) besides the   style. The seven emanations are the ahadiyah,   the Quraish tribes. In 1620 or 1621 he made the
 29.  Jones, 1957.  Javanese literary tradition. Writing many   which is the essence of the key of His Essence.   pilgrimage. His uncle had taught in Aceh twice

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