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Malik Al-Shaleh’s   a moderate, Rauf, refused to simply   Teungku di Kuala because of his role   wa Asrar al-Ta’wil). Because of this
 tombstone showing a   accuse someone of being an infidel. If   as the holder of religious authority, Rauf   interpretation, like al-Raniri, Abdur Rauf
 tendency to mystical   a person was truly an infidel, why waste   was not only a Sufi thinker who, like   may actually also be seen as one of
 cosmogony.  Hamzah Fansuri, formulated his own   the founders of the continuing process
 any words on him. If he were not an
 Source: Atlas Sejarah   infidel, he said, the accusation would   cosmogony.  He was also the main   of orthodoxy. But, more importantly, he
 Indonesia Masa Islam,   backfire. Known in Aceh’s history as   pioneer in the codification of Qur’anic   was the disseminator of the Shattariah
 2010.   interpretation. He wrote the Tarjuman   order. Therefore, up to now, his name
 because he was in Arabia ---studying with fifteen   45
 scholars and Sufis--- for about 19 years. Rauf only   al-Mustafid in Malay.  From this   has always been remembered and his
 went home after his teacher, al-Qushashi, died   orthodox type of Qur’anic interpretation   grave has been turned into a shrine
 and he had received the diploma from Qushashi’s   we see the magnitude of the influence   and a place of pilgrimage. Towards the
 successor, Maulana Ibrahim, to become the
 caliph of the Shatariah Sufi order. He arrived in   of Tafsir al-Jalalayn ---an ongoing   end of the 19  century, the Shattariah,
 Aceh in 1661 during the rule of Sultanah Tajul   influence that continues in pesantren   which Snouck Hurgronje said  had been
 Alam Safiatuddin Shah (1641-1675). He came   up to the present --- even though Rauf   heavily mixed with local elements, had
 when the “revolution” al-Raniri launched during a
 turning point in the reign of the queen’s husband,   himself said that his interpretation was   to face attacks from the more “pristine”
 Iskandar Thani. Soon after his arrival, Abdur Rauf   merely a translation of al-Baidhawi’s   Naqshabandiyah order, and finally from
 won the trust of the queen. In his position at the
 center of power, Rauf, in the historical tradition   Qur’anic commentary (Anwar al-Tanzil   the passionate reform movement in the
 of Aceh was seen to “represent” Islamic law with   44.  The cosmogony system proposed by Abdur   early 20  century.
 the title Teungku Kuala. According to Iskandar   Rauf also had emanations in the process of
 (1965), perhaps because he had stayed in Arabia   creation starting from God’s manifestation in the   But ahead of that era, Sufi thinking
 too long, he was no longer fluent in Malay which   principle of la taayyun. It was very similar up to
 he mixed with Arabic. In addition to his famous   the establishment of the shaped world, ahadiyat,   continued to spread. And, at the same
 book on Qur’anic interpretation, he composed the   which was divided into several emanations. See   time, in the quest for the meaning of the
 Umdat Ila al-Muhtajin Suluki Maslaki’l Mufridin,   Iskandar, 1965c.  essence of religious belief the use of the
 or in his own translation, A Handbook for all those
 willing to continue on the path of men who use   45.  In fact, a manuscript that was discovered   old cultural symbols continued. This was
 themselves. In addition, he composed the Kifayat   contains the interpretation of Surah 18 and dates   very clear and creative as well, as can
 al-Muhtajin and Mir’at al-Tullab fi Tasil Ma’rifat   from the early 17  century. This brief commentary
 al-Ahkam Shar‘iyah al-Malik al-Wahab. Besides   shows the influence of al-Khazin and al-Baghawi,   be seen in Javanese mysticism (suluk),
 his own books, which sometimes offer information   while that of al-Baydawi was not too important.   which also displays a monistic tendency.
 about him in hagiographic “biographies”, such   The Tarjuman al-Mustafid is more concerned   Using the parables of the shadow-
 as in the text preserved in Ulakan, the center of   with al-Baydawi than al-Baghawi. Al-Khazin and
 the Shattariyah order on the west coast of West   al-Baghawi are more concerned with stories and   puppet theatre, the Suluk Kadresan,
 Sumatra (transcribed in Steenbrink, 1984: 179-  the historical tradition, while al-Baydawi and Tafsir   written by Ibrahim Sesmara, states
 184). The Surau Syattariah in Ulakan was founded   al-Jalalayn written by al-Mahalli and al-Suyuti, put
 by Sheikh Burhanuddin, one of Abdul Rauf’s   more emphasis on philological problems. Probably   that there is no difference between the
 students. It was he who laid the foundation of the   because of this, Jalalayn is more popular both in   worshipped and the worshipper. Both are
 surau tradition in West Sumatra ---an upheaval in   India and in the Malay world. See Riddell, 1984,   puppeteers, viz. he, who is the undivided
 the same chain, the Padri movement started at the   1990.
 end of the 19  century.  46.  Van Bruinessen, 1990; Othman, 1987.  47.  Snouck Hurgronje, 1919.

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