P. 203

Arshad Al-Banjari        preserved in a number of libraries. The   (Gujarat) who spoke fluent Malay                    was used to denote misleading and      al-Mursalah. Guillot and Kalus (2008:
          Source: Private          Indonesian National Library has two     severely opposed al-Sumatra’i’s mystical              heterodox monistic doctrines and was   82-83) clearly assert that the generally
          Collection Abdul Hadi    manuscripts (A 97 and A 98),  one copy   ideas. Al-Raniri classified al-Sumatra’i,            especially addressed to Hamzah Fansuri   assumed relationship between Hamzah
          WM                       is available in the Museum and Yayasan   along with his predecessor Hamzah                    and Shamsuddin al-Sumatra’i’s works.   Fansuri and Shamsuddin al-Sumatra’i
                                   Pendidikan Ali Hasjmy in Aceh,  while   Fansuri, as the menwho disseminated                   Althoughal-Raniri always mentioned     was in need of revaluation, especially
                                   yet another copy of the manuscript      deviating mystical notions, and he                    Hamzah Fansurias a leading figure in   after the discovery of a tombstone in
                                   may be consulted in Leiden University   accused him of being heterodox as well.               the spread of the mystical heterodox   Mecca dated 1527, which Guillot & Kalus
                                   Library 35                              Hence, his thoughts, works and followers              notions along with al-Sumatra’i, there is   concluded as being Hamzah Fansuri’s
                                                                           had to be combated and suppressed,                    no solid written proof that clearly states   grave. 39
                                   Responses to and Criticism              because they deviated from the true                   that Hamzah Fansuri’s thoughts were    It is certain that Shamsuddin al-Sumatra’i
                                   against the Mystic-Philosophical        understanding.                                        influenced by al-Tuhfah al-Mursalah as   admired Hamzah Fansuri’s works as he
                                   Thought                                 Being an orthodox scholar who                         in the case with al-Sumatra’i. A number   also participated in the propagation of

                                   Some scholars’ complimented the quality   accentuated the practice of the Shari’a,            of sources discuss Hamzah Fansuri’s    the latter’s mystical notions and there is
                                   and the intellectual weight contained   al-Raniri issued a fatwa stating that the             mystic-philosophical thoughts and they   not a single source that denies this. It is
                                   inthe Jawhar al-Haqa’iq in particular,   monism doctrine these two Malay Sufi-                assert that al-Sumatra’i’s mystical ideas   also clear that he had studied Hamzah’s
                                   andin al-Sumatra’i’s mystic-philosophical   scholars taught digressed from Islamic            resembled Hamzah’s, and thus some      poems as he often referred to Hamzah’s
                                   thought in general. However, in 17      theology and thus that everyone who did               sources assume that they had entered   mystical notions in his own works.
                                   century Aceh,Nuruddin al-Raniri (d.     not repent or refused to repudiate these              into a master-disciple relationship. 38  Therefore, although we cannot as certain
                                   1666), an Indo-Arab  from Randir        notions should be considered heretics                 The problem is whether al-Sumatra’i ever   that al-Sumatra’i ever met Hamzah or
                                                                           and sentenced to death. 37                                                                   that he adopted him as his direct Sufi
                                   33.  Tim Behrend [ed.] Katalog Induk Naskah-                                                  met Hamzah Fansuri and subsequently    master, al-Raniri insisted on classifying
                                   Naskah Nusantara Jilid 4 Perpustakaan Nasional   It is important to state here that al-Raniri   acknowledged him ashis master?
                                   Republik Indonesia (Jakarta: Yayasan Obor                                                                                            both as belonging to the group that
                                   Jakarta in cooperation with the EFEO, 1998), p. 6.  himself might also be considered a        Scholars disagree on this issue.       spread heretical heterodox existential
                                   34.  Oman Fathurrahman and Munawwar Holil,   Sufi‘alim because he often wrote about           Drewes (1986) is of the opinion that   monism. 40
                                   Katalog Naskah Ali Hasjmy Aceh (Tokyo: Tokyo   and quoted Ibn ‘Arabi mystical doctrines.      the poems Hamzah Fansuri composed
                                   University of Foreign Studies, in collaboration with                                                                                 After all, apart from conceptual
                                   Manassa Jakarta, 2007), p. 156-7.       However, he classified the wujudiyyah                 did not have a trace of any kind of the   similarities, it seems that the textual
                                   35.  P. Voorhoeve, Handlist of Arabic   into two categories: monotheist                       mystic-philosophical influence that
                                   Manuscripts…, p. 171.                   (muwahhid) and heretic (mulhid). The                  emerged after 1590, the period when    sources of Hamzah’s mystic-
                                   36. His mother was of Malay descent, whereas   first category denoted the true and            al-Burhanpuri finished his al-Tuhfah   philosophical ideas slightly differed from
                                   his father was a Hadrami immigrant who had                                                                                           those of al-Sumatra’i. For example, in
                                   embarked on the long journey of moving to South   straight wujudiyah notions that accorded    38. See for example, Muhammad Naquib al-Attas,
                                   Asia and Southeast Asia. See Azra, Jaringan   with the Shari’a, where as the second           The Mysticism of Hamzah Fansuri (Kuala Lumpur:   39.  A broad discussion on this matter see Claude
                                   Ulama… (1994), 169; Muhammad Naquib al-Attas,                                                 University of Malaya Press, 1970), p. 3; Abdul   Guillot and Ludvik Kalus, “Batu Nisan…”, p. 71-93.
                                   Raniri and the Wujuduyah of the 17  Century   Society, 1966), p. 12.                          Hadi W.M. Tasawuf yang Tertindas (Jakarta:   40.  Claude Guillot and Ludvik Kalus, “Batu
                                   Aceh (Singapore, Malaysian Branch, Royal Asiatic   37. Azra, Jaringan Ulama…, 182.            Paramadina, 2001), p. 115-6.           Nisan…”, p. 82.

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