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side it seemed that both sides tried to    so that it suited their heretical belief           (henceforth simply called Tibyan) is   heterodox and even perverted people of     Kitab Kuning Alfiyah
                                   show the corrections theological belief.   system. Our response is that he                    considered the most important book on   the wujudiyyah” (kaum wujudiyyah yang     Ibnu Malik written by
                                   Therefore, the works that have made it     or she will be called a heterodox                  the deviancy of the wujudiyyah notions.   zindiq, mulhid lagi sesat). He said,    Imam Ibnu Malik, on the
                                   to our era may describe the wujudiyyah     unbeliever who adopts the basic                    More specifically in around two-third     “At that time the heretically heterodox   grammar of Arabic
                                   notions merely based on al-Raniri’s        meaning of unclear verses, prophetic               of the pages of this treatise, al-Raniri   and even perverted wujudiyyah          Source: Directorate of
                                   version.                                   traditions on divine attributes and Sufi           elaborated both Hamzah Fansuri and        emerged, namely of the disciples        History and Cultural
                                                                              ecstatic utterances as arguments and               al-Sumatra’i’s misleading notions. Al-                                            Values, Ministry of
                                   In the Fath al-Mubin, for example,                                                            Raniri himself specifically recommended   of the perverted Shamsuddin al-
                                   al-Raniri illustrated that among the       evidence.” 47                                      everyone who wanted to know in depth      Sumatra’i… they discussed with us for   Education and Culture
                                   issues the people of Wahdat al-Mutlaq   From this explanation in the Fath al-                 the notions al-Raniri called the “beliefs   several days in the presence of the   of the Republic of
                                   discussed was that they based their     Mubin, it is clear that the perverted                 of the perverted people” (i’tikad kaum    most pious Sultan of the era…” 50       Indonesia
                                   theological ideas of the wujudiyyah on   (sesat) and unbelief fatwa issued by al-             dalalah) to read his Tibyan. In the Ma
                                   unclear Qur’anic verses, like yad Allah   Raniri against the followers of Absolute            al-hayah li ahl al-mamat, for example,   Easing Mystic-Philosophical
                                   fawqa aydihim (God’s hand above their   Monism can also be related to a similarly             al-Raniri asserted ,                   Thought
                                   hands), or on prophetic traditions about   perverted fatwa issued against previous                                                   The socio-religious upheaval that started
                                   the divine attributes such as al-hajar   Sufis in the Muslim world, such as Abu                 “O students, if you want to know     in Aceh during the last period of Sultan
                                   al-aswad yamin Allah fi al-ard (the black   Yazid al-Bistami (d. 875) who was famed             the beliefs of the perverted people,   Iskandar Thani’s reign was due to the
                                   stone is the right hand of God on earth),   for his doctrine of unity (ittihad) and his         you have to scrutinize and read the   dispute over the philosophical mysticism
                                   as well as on the ecstatic utterances of   ecstatic utterance subhani ma a’zama                 Tibyan fi Ma’rifat al-Adyan that I have   in al-Tuhfah al-Mursalah. This upheaval
                                   some Sufis like ana al-haqq (I am [God]   sha’ni (the Glory of Me, the greatest                 written.”                            seemed to have been prolonged and yet
                                   the Real), subhani ma a’zama sha’ni     condition of me), and the notion of hulul             Al-Raniri introductory remarks in the   to have abated in the intermediate period
                                   (the Glory of Me, the greatest condition   by Husayn ibn Mansur al-Hallaj (m.                 Tibyan’sopening part show that the     of his successor, Sultanah Safiyatuddin.
                                   of me), ma fi jubbati illa Allah (nothing   922), who was famous for his ecstatic             treatise was composed during the latter   This was proven by the discovery of an
                                   in my robe but Allah). Al-Raniri saw that   statement ana al-haqq (I am [God] the             part of Sultan Iskandar Thani’s reign   Arabic text on Sufism written around
                                   they had deviated in their interpretation   Real). As is known, both were accused of          (1636-1641) and the start of that of   1665 that contained a ‘report’ on the
                                   of the Qur’anic verses, the hadith, and   being perverted and the scholars of the             his successor, Sultanah Safiyatuddin   upheaval, the Ithaf al-Dhaki bi Sharh
                                   the Sufis’ ecstatic utterances which,   Shari’a of their times sentenced them to              (1641-1676). Al-Raniri wrote that during   al-Tuhfah al-Mursalah ila al-Nabi
                                   according to al-Raniri, all should be   death. 48                                             Iskandar Thani’s reign, the court was   Salla Allahu ‘Alayhi wa Sallama, or in
                                   understood as being symbolic and not                                                          actively involved in the debate against   English “An offering to the skillful soul:
                                   considered in their literal meanings. Al-  Beside Fath al-Mubin, al-Raniri’s                  al-Sumatra’i’s disciples, who were     An explanation of the book bestowed
                                   Raniri said,                            other work Tibyan fi Ma’rifat al-Adyan                stereotypically dubbed “the heretically   upon the Prophet [Muhammad] peace
                                                                           47.  Nuruddin al-Raniri, Fath al-Mubin…, p. 3.        49.  See H.W.M.Syagir Abdullah, Khazanah Karya   50.  Nuruddin al-Raniri, Tibyan fi Ma’rifat al-Adyan,
                                      “…hence they changed the meaning     48.  See Simuh, Tasawuf dan Perkembangannya…,         Pusaka Asia Tenggara I (Kuala Lumpur: Khazanah   ms. no. 4209/07.1437 in the collection of Museum
                                      in the Jawi [read: Malay] language   139-158.                                              Fathaniyah, 1991), p. 53.              Negeri Aceh, fol. 2-3.

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