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10. or a married woman, being buried     4.   Theserulings must be obeyed, if   (bujan, palu) one hundred lashes, and if   Malacca --- proves Samudera Pasai’s
 up to  not a Divine curse  married to be buried to the waist and to   important position. It is told in the text
   11. the waist [and being] thrown with     5.   will be entitledfor God’s sake for   be stoned. 8  that a scholar in the field of Sufism
 stone till die  those who disobey theserulings.  Samudera Pasai also witnessed the   named Maulana Abu Ishak lived in
          development of Malay into a medium for   Arabia. He had written a book entitled
   12. if [one] is refused to be stoned, if a   Like in the Munye Tujoh inscription,   Durr al-Manzum and he intended to uses
 Mandalika  Arab-Islamic influence is also visible   conveying religious messages. It should   his book to teach in Malacca. Malacca’s
 in the Trengganu inscription. In view of   be noted that despite its diminishing   ruler, Sultan Mansur Shah, not only
 C 1.  a single being punished by ten mid   role as a center of political power and
 three. If he …  the fact that it is written in Jawi script,   trade anddespite the fact that its role   welcomed Maulana Abu Ishak’s intention
 One can say that Arab-Islamic influence         but even himself became attracted to
   2.   a minister who is single being   is far more powerful than any other   was being replaced by Malacca in the   the study of Sufism. Consequently, he
 punished by seven pieces ofgold   inscriptions with later dates. Specifically   early 14 century, Samudera Pasai’s   wanted Maulana Abu Ishak’s book to be
 coins and [ten]  related to the Trengganu inscription,   position as a center of Islamic learning   translated into Malay so that it could be a
          survived. This had to do with the fact that
   3.   mid three. If asingle leader, he   the following points are important. First,   the government highly respected and   source for the study of Islam in Malacca.
 were punished by five pieces of   in the Trengganu inscription, God is   supported Islamic studies. Ibn Batutta’s   For that purpose, Sultan Mansur Shah
 gold co(ins...)  called the “Dewata Mulia Raya”, but   journal from the 14  century reflects   sent the book to Pasai to be translated.
 the Prophet Muhammad is called “the
   4.   seven pieces of gold coins is the   Messenger of Allah” (Rasul Allah) and it   a similar condition. According to him,   The ruler in Samudera Pasai ordered a
 same for the Treasurerand if o(ne)  still uses “the servants of Dewata Mulia   Sultan Malik al-Zahir ---Samudra Pasai’s   cleric, Makhdum Patakan, to carry out
   5.   who is free; and the seventh duty   Raya” rather than “the servants of Allah”   second ruler --- observed the prayers   the Sultan of Malacca’s request and after
          in the palace mosque, and after he had
                                                 he had acquitted himself of this task, the
 is a woman   (hamba Allah) to address the Muslim   finished his prayer he used to recite the   book was returned to Malacca. Sultan
 community. Second, the inscription
   6.   cannot get married if she commits   already uses the names for days and   Qur’an. He was also known as being   Mansur Shah was delighted when he
 adultery, in which she is single.  months as they are known in the Arab-  very close and paying honors to scholars   received the translation of the book and
 D 1.   If not, she will be fined to pay a   Muslim world. Third, Arabic words and   of Islamic law.  he showed the translation to the book’s
                                                 author, Maulana Abu Ishak.
 gold coin or the equivalent. The   expressions are used side by side with   Therefore, entering the 15  century when
 ninth  Sanskrit, while the Malay has become   Malacca was developing into a leading   Other remarkable texts include various
 increasingly dominant. Fourth, a more   Islamic kingdom in the Archipelago,   stories concerning the life of the Prophet
   2.   His Royal Highness [said] whoever   complete set of affixes is used including   Samudera Pasai continued to be   Muhammad such as the Hikayat Nur
 does not […] the fine
 me-, ber-, di-, se, -kan, -nya, and-kau.   regarded as a center of Islamic studies.   Muhammad (containing a story of the
   3.   [that] is made for yourchild or your   Fifth, there is a strong tendency to   A story in the Sejarah Melayu (Malay   prophet Muhammad since the early
 grandchild, your player or your   carry out the punishment for adulterers   Annals), a classic Malay texts and the   emanative process of the world’screation
 family   (Sanskrit: balacara); if single or widowed   traditional source for information about   from his light), Hikayat Bulan Berbelah

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