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The Baiturrahman         Ali Shah (reigned 1514-1530) was the       in the state of Aceh Darussalam.                   “original” Malay, where pre-classical   Hamzah Fansuri was the first scholar
          Mosqueis one of the      first king who laid the foundation for     The second was Sheikh Muhammad                     archaic elements were less used, but   who needs to be explained. Based on
          remains of the Aceh      the development of Aceh into the most      Yamani, who was an expert in                       also the emergence of a new genre in   the available resources, both local and
          Kingdom.                 prominent kingdom in the 17  century       Islamic jurisprudence. Both Sheikhs                the writing tradition in the Malay world,   foreign, several scholars argue that
          Source: Directorate of   archipelago. 24                            discussed the problems of a’yan                    the so-called “kitab” ---works that contain   Hamzah Fansuri most probably lived
          History and Cultural     Aceh witnessed the most important          thabitah. At one point the discussion              the substance of Islamic teaching of   in Aceh before and during the reign of
          Values, Ministry of      stage in the development of Malay          stopped as no one could judge the                  which the Bustan as-Salatin is one     Sultan Alauddin Ri’ayat Shah (1589-
          Education and Culture    as it grew into the common language        matter. Hence, both sheikhs sailed.                example.                               1602).  While Shamsuddin al-Sumatrani
          of the Republic of       in the archipelago. Two explanations       Then came a ulama from Gujarat                                                            is estimated to have lived during the reign
          Indonesia.               below offer strong evidence that Aceh,     named Sheikh Muhammad Jilani ibn                   Kitab Literature                       of the next king, Sultan Iskandar Muda
                                   supported by stable political conditions   Hassan ibn Muhammad, Hamid was                     It should be emphasized that the       (1607-1636). Both scholars held positions
                                                                                                                                                                        as “Sheikh al-Islam” and served as the
                                   and developed trade, contributed           the name of his clan, the Qurayshwas               term ‘kitab literature’ was first used by   king’s advisers, especially in the field
                                   significantly to the development of Malay   his tribe, Ranir the name of his                  Hooykaas  and then Brakel  and refers   of religion. The most important thing to
                                   language and culture. At the same          country, Shafi’i his School (mazhab).              to a group of texts characterized by   emphasize here is that Hamzah Fansuri
                                   time, it should be noted here that the     The sheikh taught logic, Arabic                    Islam or the results of adapting Arabic/  and Shamsuddin al-Sumatrani were
                                   development of Islam is an inherent part   literature, Islamic jurisprudence and              Persian works, unlike other fiction and   leading scholars, particularly in Aceh, in
                                   of the development and establishment       law in the state of Aceh Darussalam.               historical works that developed in the   the late 16  and early 17  centuries.
                                   of the Malay language. In line with        And many students wanted to study                  Malay world. More specifically, it refers to
                                   Aceh’s position in the 16  and 17          Islamic mysticism. The sheikh                      literary works written in Aceh in the 16    Hamzah Fansuri wrote many books,
                                   centuries as the leading Islamic center    complied and he came again at a                    and 17  centuries by leading religious   but what have been found until now are
                                   in the archipelago, intellectual activities   later time. Hence, the sheikh sailed to         scholars, namely Hamzah Fansuri,       three mystical treatises, respectively the
                                   concerning language and texts were         Mecca.                                             Syamsuddin as-Sumatrani, Nuruddin      Sharab al-‘Ashiqin (Beverages of the
                                   closely linked to efforts to contextualize   The quotation above, from the Bustan             ar-Raniri, and Abdul Ra’uf as-Singkili that   Intimate People), Asrar al-‘Arifin (Secrets
                                   and disseminate Islam in Aceh and in the   as-Salatin by Nuruddin al-Raniri, is not           contain Islamic teachings ranging from   of the Gnostics) and al-Muntahi (End
                                   Malay-Indonesian region in general.                                                                                                  Path). The Sharabal-‘Ashiqin is regarded
                                                                           only a testimony of Aceh’s cosmopolitan               Sufism, jurisprudence, theology, and   as his first Malay workand it is also the
                                      In the year nine hundred ninety after   nature---especially as seen from the               Islamic history. In Aceh, these works are   first mystical treatise in Malay. Another
                                      the Hijrah two priests came from     religious side---but also that shows the              commonly called “Kitab Jawoe” (book    version is entitled Zinat al-Muwahidin
                                      Mecca. One was a man named           use of Malay had been firmly established              written in Malay in Jawi script) or “Jawi   (Jewelry of the Monotheists). While the
                                      Sheikh Abul-Khair bin Sheikh Ibn     as the medium of expression in the                    books” in the Malay world generally.   findings on his mystical poems are only
                                      Hajar. He composed a book entitled   religious intellectual discourse, in social           Kitab literature has special linguistic   less than 32 threads. His poems are
                                      Saif al-Qati’ on the word a’yan      life and for political diplomacy. The quote           patterns and manifests it self into an   considered to be the first ‘Malay poetry’.
                                      thabitah and he taught Islamic law   above does not only show the use of                   Islamic lingua franca in the Archipelago. 28  Shamsuddin al-Sumatrani (d. 1630

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