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of the Acehnese kings, and more         This text contains the genealogy of the               Entering the 18  and 19  centuries,    reconciliation between Sufism and the
                                   particularly that of Sultan Iskandar Muda   kings of Aceh, starting from its first king,      the center of the development of Malay   Shari‘a for which he adopted many works
                                   whose descendants are described in      Sultan Johan Shah, who is said”to have                moved to Palembang and subsequently    by al-Ghazali, as he was the main figure
                                   detail. After that, the text continues   come from a wind ward in 601 A.H.                    to Riau. Palembang position in the     behind this effort.
                                   with a detailed biography of Sultan     There after Sultan Ahmad gained control               development of Islam in the archipelago   Another scholar from Palembang is
                                   Iskandar Muda, starting from his birth,   and he was entitled Sultan Ri‘ayat Shah             started in the 18  century and was     Shihabuddin bin Abdullah Muhammad.
                                   childhood until his adult life when he   in 632 A.H.”This text further illustrates            marked by the emergence of a number    His works include the Sharh yang Latif
                                   was appointed as the ruler of Aceh.     the continuously changing process                     of scholars who wrote works in various   atas Mukhtasar Jawharut Tauhid,. in
                                   Therefore, although entitled Hikayat    of authority until the 34 king, Sultan                fields of Islamic knowledge. Supported   form of a Malay translation on a review of
                                   Aceh (Story of Aceh), this text is mostly   Alauddin Muhammad Shah. 50                        by the authorities who encouraged      Jawhar al-Tawhid by Ibrahim al-Laqani.
                                   dedicated to Sultan Iskandar Muda,                                                            religious-intellectual activities,     Another work is a treatise adopting the
                                   Aceh’s greatest ruler. 48               Adat Majlis Raja-Raja                                 Palembang replaced Aceh as the center   Risalah fi al-Tawhid by Walli Raslan
                                                                                                                                 of Islamic development as Aceh’s role
                                                                           The Adat Majlis Raja-raja (Customs of                 had gradually diminished due to internal   al-Dimasyqi. Mention also needs to
                                   Adat Perintah Raja-raja or              Kings Assembly) contains the rules and                                                       be made here of Kemas Fachruddin,
                                   Mabain al-Salatin                                                                             conflicts, and then the war against the   another Palembang scholar who
                                                                           protocols ---referred here as customs                 Dutch Colonial Government. 51
                                   There is not much information about the   (adat)--- of various institutions (majlis)          Abdussamad al-Palimbani is the first   contributed significantly to the use of
                                                                                                                                                                        Malay in religious works (book literature).
                                   Adat Perintah Raja-raja (Traditions of   in the kingdom (i.e. the king’s assembly             scholar whose works needs to be        He also translated and adapted a number
                                   Kings’ Commands). Iskandar  simply      and the army commanders), up to special               discussed. Iskandar a scribes nine     of Arabic books into Malay: Zakariya
                                   states that a manuscript entitled Mabain   institutions for social-religious affairs:         works (books) to al-Palimbani, among   al-Ansari’s Fath al-Rahman, Futuh
                                   al-Salatin (the Sultans’ Building) is also   the Majlis Tabal (Tabal Council) on the          which the most famous is the Hidayat   al-Sham,a translation of Abu Ismail
                                   found in the Turkish court, and in some   calculation of the day for performing               al-Salikin fi Suluk Maslak al-Muttaqin.   al-Basri’s Mukhtasar Futuh al-Sham,
                                   ways it reminds one of the Taj as-Salatin.   the fast, the Majlis Junjung Duli (Ascent        Written in Malay in Mecca (completed in   and the Tuhfat al-Zaman,translation of
                                   It apparently aims to offer advice to   Council), the Majlis Berangkat Hari Jumat             1788) it is an adaptation of al-Ghazali’s   Ibn Shaddad al-Himyari’s Tuhfat al-
                                   the authorities on how to manage their   (Friday Departure Council), the Majlis               Bidayat al-Hidayah. Other works are    Zaman fi Dharf al-Yaman. In the list
                                   kingdom, such as how to determine       Bandar [Aceh] Darussalam (Harbor of                   the Sair al-Salikin ila ‘ibadati Rabb al-  of works among ranked among 18
                                   the requirements of an ideal king, his   [Aceh] Darussalam Council), and various              ‘alamin which is also based on a work by   century book literature, one book should
                                   attitudes and behavior in relation to   other assemblies in the environment of                al-Ghazaliand the Lubab Ihya ‘Ulum al-  be included. It waswritten by the great
                                   palace elites, and a number of rules for   the Aceh kingdom.                                  Dinalso written in Malay and completed   scholar from Kalimantan, Muhammad
                                   the inhabitants of a kingdom.                                                                 in the holy land of Mecca about ten years   Arsyad bin Abdullah al-Banjari. He wrote
                                                                           Palembang and Riau: The 18                            after his first book. Inheriting the neo-  a very famous book, Sabil al-Muhtadin
                                   Silsilah Raja-raja dalam Negeri         and 19  centuries Centers of                          Sufi intellectual tradition, al-Palimbani’s   li al-tafaqquh fi Amr al-Din, \ about the
                                   Aceh Bandar Darussalam                  Malay Language Development                            works tried to stress the need for a   intricacies of the study of Islam.

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