P. 255
The Walio stone is a Thus, in the 18 century, Palembang works, especially with regards to the section, Raja Ali Haji offers a relatively of Important Duties), and Intizam Wazaif
heritage of the Buton played an important role in the development of Malay culture. Above detailed and systematic description al-Malik (Systematic Regulation on
Sultanate. Before a development of Islam in the Indonesia all, Raja Ali Haji had a strong interest in of these religious concepts (and their the King’s Duties). The third text is an
sultan or a king was archipelago. In this century, Palembang linguistics. This is evident from his work, history), so that the first part of the important work especially with regards
inaugurated, this produced many leading scholars who Kitab Pengetahuan Bahasa (Book of Kitab Pengetahuan Bahasa resembles to the history and politics of the Malay
location was used to wrote influential works that would in Language Knowledge). Although he did a religious textmore than a book onthe kingdoms. In the Tuhfat al-Nafis he
beat the drum. part determine the intellectual and not finish the work---possibly because Malay language. In the second part, explained the history of the Malay
social discourse of Islam in Indonesia. he died before having been able to do though it has the same tendency as
Source: Directorate of kingdom of Johor at length, especially
History and Cultural This is evident from the fact that the so— the Kitab Pengetahuan Bahasa is the first part, Raja Ali Haji presents the political behavior of its Kings. For
Values, Ministry of works authored by religious scholars strong evidence of Raja Ali Haji’s desire discussions clearly meant as a Raja Ali Haji, the greatness of Malay
Education and Culture from Palembang ---and also the works to promote the use of Malay. Raja Ali Haji dictionary. It is organized systematically Johor in the past was an example to be
of the Republic of of the Banjar scholar in Kalimantan--- declared that his work was wanted as a and starts with words that start with alif, emulated by the rulers of his time whom
Indonesia. have been reprinted numerous times. guide for those who intended to increase ‘ba’, ‘ta’, ‘nya’, ‘jim’, and ‘ca’. The book is he judged to have deviated from the
Thus, these religious works became the their knowledge of language, religion, made up of eighty-seven chapters and norms of Islam.
sources of the Muslims’ formation of and the right customs. Raja Ali Haji’s contains 1,687 entries. His Kamus Logat
knowledge and their religious attitude. interest in these areas can also be seen Johor Pahang Riau Lingga (Dictionary of If the Tuhfat resembles Malay
These works were read not only by from the letters he wrote to officials in the Johor Pahang Riau Lingga Dialects),to historiography, the Thamarat and Intizam
Malay-Indonesian Muslims, but also by colonial government, especially Roorda be a basic tool in the reconstruction of contain the political principles the kings
non-Malay Muslims in other regions in van Eysinga and A.F. von de Wall, two words that had been miskaenly used and the political elites of the realm
Indonesia. Therefore, the works of these Dutch scholar who were very interested became of the users could not refer to should adopt as their guiding sources. In
Palembang scholars strengthened the in language and culture. This work was the original sources. 56 both works, Raja Ali Haji promoted the
spread of the use of Malay more widely lithographed in 1857 with the support of It should be emphasized however that Malay kingdom’s political way of thinking
in Indonesia. Von de Wall (1807-73) and his German Raja Ali Haji’sthoughts about language which he formulated based on the past
companions who composed a Dutch- experiences of the kingdom he had
Entering the 19 century, the revolved around the efforts of restoring described in the Tuhfat. The Thamarat
development of Islam and the Malay Malay dictionary, and for whom Raja Malay culture. He had witnessed the contains advice and instructions for the
language came to be centered in Riau, Ali Haji played the role as informer and political and economic problems that had rulers so that in exercising their power
precisely in the island of Penyengat, the assistant. hit the kingdom and saw the fundamental they might learn from the stories of
center of the Riau-Lingga Kingdom in the The discussion in the Kitab Pengetahuan changes that had been taken place in earlier Malay rulers.
19 century. The most prominent figure Bahasa is divided into two main parts. the Malay world. His Buku Pengetahuan
who contributed to the development of The first consists of a discussion of Bahasa was meant to be used for Malay At a closer inspection, one can see that
the social-intellectual discourse and seven words that start with an alif, i.e. cultural revitalization. His other important see that Raja Ali Haji in his book trie to
political Islam in Malayis Raja Ali Haji Allah, Al-Nabi, Ashab, Akhbar, Al- works are the Tuhfat al-Nafis (Precious revive the kingdom’s political system,
(1808-1873) who wrote many influential Insan Al-Awali and Al-Akhirat. In this Gift), Thamarat al-Muhimmah (Rewards which had already been well established
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