P. 311

Lintas Agama). 81                       clearly shows Khairul Bayan reaction to               The Islamic Left and Dr Hassan Hanafi’s   PT Raja Grafindo Persada, through       The boarding school
                                                                           the ideas of Islamic reformism and its                Thought, A Critical Reading written by   its publishing division Sri Gunting      Madrasah Tarbiyah
                                   Still another publisher that belonging to                                                                                                                                       Islamiyah in Batang
                                   category is Khairul Bayan. It is a small   supporters.                                        Kazuo Shimogaki that was originally    started to actively publish books on       Kabung, Koto Tangah,
                                   scale publisher that started operations   Khairul Bayan also published Islamic                published in 1988. Kiri Islam was rapidly   Islam since the early 1990s. In fact,   Padang.
                                   in 2002. It is considered close to Partai   magazines and journals, such as                   sold out as the early 1990s was an era of   some titles have been reprinted several
                                                                                                                                                                        times to cater for the market’s interest,
                                   Bulan Bintang (PBB), a small Islamic-   the weekly bulletin Al-Insan, and the                 radical student groups that revived their   such as Fundamentalisme Islam dan     Source: Directorate of
                                   based party that inherited the ideology   magazines Fikri, Keluarga Insani, and               demands for liberation from the New    Modernitas,  and Tugas Cendekiaan          History and Cultural
                                   of the Masyumi, a former Islamic party   Alia, a magazine for middle class Muslim             Order government that had restricted   Muslim. 92                                 Values, Ministry of
                                   that represented the “modernist” group   women.  Khairul Bayan released a                     their reading. As a result, all books with a                                      Education and Culture
                                   of Muslims and that was disbanded in    quarterly journal Islamia, which was first            leftist title sold out in no time.     Similarly, since the 1990s up to now, the   of the Republic of
                                   1960s.  Oriented to its motto “Sumber   published in March 2004.  Looking at                  Books on Islam by General              Kompas-Gramedia group has also been        Indonesia.
                                   Pemikiran Islam” (the source of Islamic   the first issue it appears that Islamia             Publishers                             publishing books on Islam starting with
                                   thought), the books produced by this    attacks the modernist-liberalist approach                                                    books in encyclopedic form covering
                                   publisher support the implementation    to Quranic commentary, like that                      The rapid development of Islamic books   discussions on Islamic biography, Islamic
                                   of the sharia. Among the books it       introduced in their works by Nasr Hamid               in Indonesia is not only the result of   history, leaderships of Islamic dynasties,
                                   has published are Garis-Garis Besar     Abu Zayd and Muhammad Abid al-Jabiri                  Islamic publishing houses but also of that   Islamic contemporary conditions, and
                                   Syariat Islam by Mawardi Noor,          which were mostly published by LkiS, as               of general publishers like Erlangga, Bumi   other Islamic themes. Several Islamic
                                   Manajemen Strategis Perspektif Syariah   will be seen below.                                  Aksara, Raja Grafindo Persada, and     books Gramedia published are The
                                   by Muhammad Ismail Yusanto and          Lkis was founded in Yogyakarta in 1993                the Kompas-Gramedia Group. These       Oxford Modern Islamic World (4 Vols.,
                                   Muhammad Karebet Widjajakusumo,         by university students who mostly had                 publishers initially did not produce books   published in 1995), Concise History
                                   and Hukuman Bagi Konsumen Miras &       a traditional pesantren educational                   on Islam and only started to do so in the   of Muslim World (3 Vols., published in
                                   Narkoba by Fauzan Al-Anshari.  Khairul   background. LkiS began as a discussion               1990s when they had become aware of    2001), Encyclopedia of Muslim Biography
                                   Bayan also published Islamic novels and   group of students mostly at the State               the rising commercial importance of the   (5 Vols., published in 2001), International
                                   short stories.                          Islamic Institute or IAIN (now State                  publication of Islamic books.          encyclopedia of Islam Dynasty (30 Vols.,
                                                                                                                                                                        published in 2002), Encyclopedia of
                                   In 2005, soon after the death of        Islamic University, UIN) Sunan Kalijaga               In the 1980s, LP3ES, a general publisher   The World Muslims (4 Vols., published
                                   Nurcholish Madjid (Cak Nur), one of the   Yogyakarta that talked about pluralism              established in 1971, marked its first   in 2002), Dictionary of Islam (2 Vols,
                                   main supporters of moderate Islamic     and inter-religious tolerance.                        success in catering for the Muslim     published in 2004), Encyclopedia of
                                   thinking, Khairul Bayan published a     LkiS publishes books about leftist and                community in 1981 with the publication   Islam & Muslim World (2 Vols., published
                                   controversial book written by Adian     liberal-oriented Islam. The first book                of Pergolakan Pemikiran Islam: Catatan   2004), Encyclopedia of Islam & Scientist
                                   Husaini, in which he correlated Cak Nur   it published in 1993 was Kiri Islam,                Harian Ahmad Wahib.  In the 1990s,     (4 Vols., published in 2005), Biographical
                                   death with his supposedly deviant and   a translation of the English edition of               many publishers followed and they      Encyclopedia of Islam (4 Vols., published
                                   misguided ways of thinking.  The book   Between Modernity and Postmodernity:                  also started to release Islamic works.   in 2006).

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