P. 313
Mepsi (abbreviated from Erlangga did more or less the same. religious authority, which were initially that started in the early period of the 20 reformism has contributed to the rise of
Madjlis Ekonomi PSII/the Mostly known as a publisher of school held by ulamas and their kitab kuning century. 97 new forms of Islamic religious thinking
Economic Assembly of text books since 2002, it established a as their primary sources of knowledge, This development can be understood based on printed media. Especially for
the PSII) was a magazine new publishing division for Islamic books. started to become more varied because from the fact that the printed media urban people, oral traditions as the basic
published by Partai Up to 2003, it has released no less than of the rise of printed media: Journals, means of the transmission of traditional
Sarekat Islam Indonesia. 17 titles of books on Islamic subjects newspapers, magazines, and books. The provides the Muslim community with Islamic knowledge is of no importance
easy access to Islamic teachings. The
Source: National Library either about Islamic ways of thinking use of printed media also contributed Muslim community begins to learn about and its presence is threatened by the
of Indonesia. or easy-going stories. Up to 2002 its to changes in the Islamic public sphere, Islam without having to go to or stay in products of printing machines intended to
publication Kisah Hikmah had been where the ulamas no longer were the pesantrens that used to be considered be read. Books, magazines, newspapers,
reprinted five times. 93 only people capable of speaking about as the most authoritative centers of and pamphlets contribute to produce
Islam. The role of the ulamas as the religious meaning as all of them cause
Bumi Aksara was established in 1990 sole creators of contemporary Islam Islamic teachings. They can now easily significant alterations in the formation
and it initially focused on publishing is slowly diminishing, and therefore find sources of Islamic knowledge in any of religious authority in Indonesian
general books on various themes a fragmentation of religious authority bookstore, library, and many other places Muslim society. Here, Islamic reformism
such as the economy, law, social among the Muslim community has that never used to have any relations with contributes to the construction of the
issues, electronics, automotive issues, began. This situation justifies the opinion Islamic studies. fundament upon which religious plurality
education, and other themes. However, that the rise of public spaces is an Islam is now conveyed in a more can be build, a basis where new voices
in 2000 it created a new specialized inherent part of modernity. 96 natural way using daily language. The of Islam can come to the surface.
publishing division, i.e. Amzah publisher classical Islamic texts are no longer Therefore, the publication of Islamic
that specifically publishes books on Therefore, the increase in numbers consecrated because of the availability books has laid the foundation for the rise
Islamic themes. Up to 2006, Amzah has of publications on Islamic reformism of modern printed media. This process of “civil pluralism” and —presumably—
published 79 titles of Islamic books. 94 creates the opportunity for the Muslims is accelerated by the arrival of translated for the dissemination of “civilized society”
with different ideas and orientations to
Although general publishers published enter the debates about how Indonesian editions of various classical texts of in Indonesia.
many Islamic books, seen from the Islam is to be defined. The Muslim Islam the knowledge of which used to
marketing side they still lost against community has begun to participate be restricted as they only used to be
Islamic publishers who sometimes came in issues of Islam and the formation circulated among religious elites. Thus,
up with best-selling works. 95 of Islamic opinions and they variously reading hadiths and the practices of
interpret Islam along the lines of groups Islamic rituals is no longer only found
Concluding Remarks in pesantrens and only to be known
with different educational backgrounds
We may conclude that the publication and ideologies. All polemics, by being present before ulamas, but
of Islamic books is a novel trend in the debates, discussions, and opposition also in modern schools and in ordinary
transmission of Islamic knowledge. are principally manifestations and households.
The sources of Islamic knowledge and continuations of Islamic developments Through this development, Islamic
304 Indonesian Islamic Culture in Historical Perspectives Indonesian Islamic Culture in Historical Perspectives 305