P. 327
Dakwah Management of these movements support the struggle general public an opportunity to become surrounding social problems. In other ethical policy provided more promises
Training in Salman for the Jakarta Charter or bringing actively involved in the rebuilding of a words, a political situation, does not than evidences. 7
Mosque at the Bandung the issue of Islamic Sharia or Islamic national identity by setting of involved in always lead to the emergence of a
Institute of Technology caliphate. Being the most conservative the establishment of social movements, movement if it isnot accompanied by In the education aspect, the Dutch
government founded many schools in
Source: Documentation among other movements LDK and including religious movements at other driving factors. almost all regions. Starting from basic
Salman Mosque ITB KAMMI are also not voicing the issues of campuses. 6 and intermediate levels such as Meer
Islamism. Jong Islamieten Bond (JIB):
Almost all Islamic movements in on A Profile of the Islamic Uitgebreid Lager Onderwijs (MULO) and
Third, the globalization factor has also campus --- from the earliest, HMI, YouthMovement during the Algemeen Middelbare School (AMS) and
significantly influenced the emergence until the last, KAMMI--- emergedwith Colonial Period special school such as Opleidingscholen
and development of the campus Islamic in the context of a political opportunity voor Inlandsche Ambtenaren (Training
movements. The penetration of the structure. The newly born Indonesian Founded during the Dutch colonial School for Native Officers, OSVIA)
wahhabist ideology in Indonesia became nation-state in 1945, political tensions period, JIB was born when the identity and School tot Opleiding van Indische
a major force in the LDK and KAMMI and instability, and conflicting political of Indonesian nation-state had not Artsen (School of Medical Education
can not be separated from the process elites were highly conducive for the been formated. JIB birth was a blessing for the Indies, STOVIA). In line with
of globalization. The advancement in the emergence of the Islamic student in disguise on two reasons: to called irrigation and emigration, the aspect of
field of information technology has made movement such as HMI. Similarly, ethical policy of the Dutch colonial education comprises much digression
one easily move from and into a country Indonesia during the 1950s were government and the presence of Jong as the schools were expected to provide
and to get any information on a massive politically unstable, it provided an Java. After being criticized from various low cost manpower to support the
scale, so an ideology can rapidly grow opportunity for Muslim students who parties about the cultivation system Dutch colonial administration. However,
and widely spread. were less accommodated in HMI to form that was highly profitable for the Dutch it cannot be denied that the ethical
government, on September 17, 1901
Fourth, the last factor that triggers other student organization such as PMII Queen Wilhelmina finally declared policy had led to the emergence of
the emergence of campus Islamic and IMM. The opening access of political ethical policy for the people of the Dutch the organizations of the more or less
movements can be called political opportunities allows the emergence of East Indies as a form of reciprocation educated groups, who were modern
opportunity structure (POS). Sidney a social movement that not only reflects that covers three aspects: irrigation, organizations such as Budi Utomo
Tarrowstate that there are several a political euphoria, but also express emigration, and education. In the first (1908), SI (1911) later involved in some,
variables that allow the emergence of certain ideological demands. two aspects, this policy was abused for Muhammadiyah (1912), and Jong
social movements: (1) the open access These divergent factors separately or gaining more profits for the Dutch-owned Islamieten Bond (1925).
to political institutions, (2) the unstable simultaneously have encouraged the plantations, and the private-owned as From the Islamic perspective, as
politics and the new political stability rise of campus Islamic movements. well. It was recorded in history that Nurcholish noted that ethical policy
is still in the making process, and (3) Therefore, the phenomenon of the rise the ethical politics had made multiple provided less impact on the group of
the political elites is still in the conflict of campus Islamic movements cannot profits for the Dutch-owned plantations ulama’ because of their non-cooperative
situation. Such situations give the be separated from the complexity of and mining sectors. In other words, the attitude. Finally, education within the
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