P. 331
identity as an Islamic organization. While the strongly growing communism. 19 The role of JIB in carving the spirit of Association - HMI), Pergerakan Student discussion in
during Kasman leadership period, JIB Since 1934, JIB had to face so many Islam and Indonesian nationalism cannot Mahasiswa Islam Indonesia (Islamic the Salman Mosque at
successfully established many branches challenges that it began to setbacks. be considered minor. Along the course Student Movement in Indonesia - PMII) the Bandung Institute of
in the West and North Sumatra. The of the Indonesian movement periods, JIB and Ikatan Mahasiswa Muhammadiyah Technology
youths and students’ enthusiasm was The, JIB members were not only high was able to appear as a youth movement (Muhammadiyah Student Association Source: Documentation
also noted that until 1933 JIB had already school students (MULO or AMS), was that brought together the ideals of - IMM), the latter two organizations Salman Mosque ITB
had 55 branches and 4,000 members in also widely followed by students from the Islam and Indonesian nationalism. JIB are affiliated with the two largest social
Java and Sumatra. Some national figures upper levels or even youths at their age was the first Muslim youth and student organizations in Indonesia, respectively
who had been active in JIB were Kasman of 14 years old or above. Some of them organizations to deliver ideas to the next NU and Muhammadiyah.
Singodimejo, M. Roem, Jusuf Wibisono saw that JIB was more active at the level younger generations. The existence
(JIB Center), Sukarno (JIB Bandung), of secondary school students, so they felt of JIB former members and activists 1) HimpunanMahasiswa Islam
Cholid Rasyidi (JIB Betawi), Burhanuddin the need to establish a new organization. on the national stage was an historical (HMI)
Harahap (JIB Yogyakarta). M. Roem On this basis of this reason, M. Roem evidence JIB was not only able to appear Historically, HMI was born in non-
confirmed that at that time being a and Yusuf Wibisono founded Studenten as the first Muslim youth organization conducive social and political situations.
member JIB was an honor. Something Islam Studieclub (SIS) in 1934. Although in Indonesia, it can also be considered As a newly established state, Indonesia
that adds to the pride of being members this cannot be considered as a major a milestone of the emergence of young had to experienced sevral external
of JIB was that one could be close to friction in JIB, it was more than less Indonesian Muslim intellectuals on the and internal challenges. Externally, the
national figures such as H. Agus Salim, reducing the influence of JIB as many national stage. JIB cadres were not only return of the Dutch and their allies after
M. Natsir, etc. In 1929, M. Natsir was activists were active in the SIS. Another good Muslims, they were also formidable Indonesia’s proclaimed its independence
recorded as a member of JIB Bandung challenge was the desire of some board Muslim statesmen and intellectuals. was a political challenge for the newly
who taught Islam to other members. 17 of JIB like Kasman and Natsir to make formed Indonesian government. This
Some of JIB figures had even close JIB to be a religious social organization HMI, PMII and IMM:Profilesof the on the internal challenge, in which
personal relationship with Ahmad like Muhammadiyah and Persis that were 1950s Student Movements the Indonesian political elites were
Soorkati (the founder of Al-Irsyad) able to establish schools and hospitals. Entering the Indonesian independence, polarized about how the attitudes of
relationship that gave them an the This issue became a serious debate in the Islamic student movements were the Indonesian government to face
opportunies to ask anything religions the 6 and 7 congress. Although JIB did marked by the establishment ofthe the Dutch aggression. Prime Minister
matters. Another thing encouraging not change its statute in the end, these campus mass base organizations. Three Syahrir (Socialist Party) was more likely
the growth of JIB was the attitude of the problems caused M. Roem and Yusuf organizations that were established, to prioritize diplomacy to gain recognition
Dutch government that considered JIB Wibisono get out of JIB and set up a which not only continue to exist until of Indonesian sovereignty from the
and other Islamic movements not as new organization of SIS. From then on, now, but had also given influences in Netherlands, while the opposition
a threat, but they would rather in favor JIB tended to decrease until later it was the development of Islam in Indonesia. faction of Masjumi and the Indonesian
of the Netherlands because they were disbanded by the Japanese on March 7, The three organizations are Himpuan Nationalist Party (PNI) wanted to
considered as a local resistance against 1942. 20 Mahasiswa Islam (Islamic Student take military operations against the
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