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Netherlands. city. Actually, at the national level there Prawoto Mangkusasmito--- who later getting new members. The Indonesian
had existed an Islamic youth movement, inspired him to establish the Islamic political situation that was still unstable
HMI was born in the period known in
history as the revolutionary period. viz. GPII (founded in 1945), but this did student movement. Almost identical also forced HMI to be involved in the
However, the revolution that occurred not touch the educated group. Student to the establishment of JIB, HMI was fight against the retirn of Netherlands
at that time was not only the Indonesian movements that had already exist at the born for the purpose of teaching Islamic colonialism and also against uprising
time, namely Persyarikatan Students
values to students. Preparations for the
government revolution along with Yogyakarta (PMY, founded in 1946) support of establishment had been done Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI)
all Indonesian people in facing the and Sarikat Mahasiswa Indonesia by Lafran Pane and friends since the end in Madiun. In late 1950s HMI began to
Dutch aggression, it was also a period Solo (SMI, founded in 1946) were not of 1946. Backed by 15 students at STI, spread its wings outside Yogyakarta such
known as the social revolution. Dutch only successful because both were HMI was finally established. 22 as at the University ofIndonesia (UI), the
colonization, which lasted for a very local as well as secular movements. Institute Technology of Bandung (ITB),
long period, had instilled a very strong The educated circles’ yearning for the Since the 1950s, HMI had begun to grow and Padjadjaran University and others.
repressive feudal system within the Muslim student movement at the national among the non-STI students such as In the 1960s, HMI had already had
community. Moreover, the period 1945- level ---like JIB and SIS in the colonial Balai Perguruan Tinggi Gadjah Mada mass basis in various public universities.
1949 was also a period when Indonesia period--- had encouraged the emergence (the Higher Education Council of Gadjah In 1965-1966 those members would
was looking for its new shape and of HMI and PII in 1947. Ridwan Saidi Mada, UGM embryo) and Sekolah become the motor of resistance against
identity. This period can also be seen as notes that HMI is ideologically the Tinggi Teknik (Technical High College). the PKI. Of the various universities
a time when social and political euphoria successor JIB’s idealism, although it had Rahardjo notes that the growing of HMI Dachlan Ranuwihardjo, M. Imaduddin
was going on. Various social and been clearly denied by other writers, into non-religious colleges was to realize Abdurrahim, Ismail Hasan Metareum,
religious movements emerged as a the who said that HMI had nothing to do with the ideals of “clerical-intellectuals”. Sulastomo, Endang Saifuddin Ansari and
contribution of the society in shaping the JIB. 21 At that time HMI appeared as a kind of others emerged as the leaders.
identity of the Indonesian nation. HMI’s social revolution of the Muslim students. The development of HMI to becoming a
birth in 1947 a type of a social revolution Lafran Pane is often referred to as the Along with the establishing process of major organization cannot be separated
of the time. initiator of the establishment of HMI. the newly nation-state identity, some
Lafran Pane is the younger brother of Muslims were also preoccupied with from the role of A. Dachlan Ranuwihardjo
HMI was born on February 5, 1947 in famous Indonesian litterateurs Sanusi political parties and ideological issues (Chairman of HMI 1950-1951), who
Yogyakarta, the the political centers Pane and Armijn Pane. At that time, surrounding the Jakarta Charter as the brought HMI to Jakarta in 1950. The
of the revolutionary period during the Lafran Pane was registered as a student Muslims’ attempt to color the nation’s growth of HMI was also possible
revolution period. Yogyakarta was at Sekolah Tinggi Islam (the Islamic political life. HMI was a students effort because Dachlan had also been close
very conducive to the establishment a High College, STI; now UII). His strong to characterize the campus lives. At to Soekarno, who morally supported for
student movement, not only because religious background and his interaction that time, secular student movements HMI struggle. Soekarno’s closeness with
it was the capital city the Republic of with the STI lecturers ---like Abdul Kahar practically dominated campuses. Having HMI is a factor that HMI had not been
Indonesia, but also because of the Muzakkir, HM. Rasjidi, Fathurrahman been attached to the Islamic symbols dissolved by the president despite the
presence of several universities in that Kafrawi, Kasman Singodimedjo, and HMI was clearly having trouble in request of PKI. 26
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