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Campus dakwah   In the course of time, HMI had become   supervision of Masjumi. It had also been   critical and progressive thinking. Since   became the survival of the organization
 activities in Salman   a more mature organization and   proved that HMI activists were not forced   the 1967’s they did not feel “at home” in   it self was at stake. In 1986 the HMI
 Mosque at the Bandung   increasingly influential among the by   to choose Masjumi in the 1955 elections,   HMI as a student organization, because   congress in Padang was an effort to save
 Institute of Technology  students at either religious or secular   but it was up to their conscience. 29  it could accommodate their progressive   HMI from the danger of disbandment.
 Source: Documentation   universities. Dachlan asserted that HMI   As the oldest and the biggest student   thinking. Some activists even call HMI   However, there were a bunch of HMI
 Salman Mosque ITB  has three personal characteristics: 1)   organizations HMI experienced a heyday   for being not the right habitus for Wahib   members that retained the principle
 integrate with and within the national life   in the 1970s. Intellectual dynamics   and Effendi. Internal dynamics (not to   of Islam. They then set up Majelis
 of the nation, 2) to think, to act, and to   among HMI activists developed, such   mention the internal conflict) led to the   Penyelamat Organisasi (the Organization
 move independently, and 3) to maintain   as the presence of Limited Group by   witdrawal of Wahib and Effendi from HMI   Rescue Council, HMI-MPO). The HMI-
 Islamic brotherhood. 27  in September 1969. 32  MPO saw that adopting the single
 Djohan Effendi, M. Dawam Rahardjo and           principle of Pancasila was a diversion
 Ideologically, HMI is often regarded   Ahmad Wahib in Yogyakarta. In addition   As student organization HMI had   of the HMI primary mission. Since it
 as an onderbouw (substructure) of the   to the figures above, some national   begun to  decline in the 1980s. These   was known there were 2 kinds of HMI,
 Masjumi, as Victor Tanja said basing his   figures were also born from the womb   years were in fact the culmination of   the HMI Dipo that headquartered in Jl.
 assumption on the decision of the 1949   of HMI such as Nurcholish Madjid, M.   the de-politicization policy of the New   Diponegoro and the HMI-MPO. HMI Dipo
 Congress that HMI and PII were only   Amien Rais, FahmiIdris, Deliar Noer, Adi   Order government. Various vertical   runs as a formal-legal organization, while
 student organizations. Another thing that   Sasono, and many others.  Rahardjo   conflicts occurred in there years such   the HMI MPO lived as an underground
 encouraged many people’s assumption   underlined that HMI has an important   as the Jihad Command case (1980), the   movement until 1998 reform, when the so
 was the ideological proximity of HMI with   role in shaping Nurcholish Madjid’s   Usroh(1985-1986), and Tanjung Priok   called era of Reformasi began.
 that of Masjumi. At the 5  congress in   intellectuality.  The politicization policy of   Incident (1984). At the session of the
 Medan (1957), HMI demanded Islamic   the Muslims that was carried out by the   House of Representatives in August   As a campus Islamic organization, HMI
 parties like Masjumi, NU, PSII, and   New Order government forced the HMI   1982, President Soeharto suggested   had contributed a lot. In accordance
 the like to be able to fight for Islam as   to take  a cooperative political stance.   the idea to reduce class and ideological   with its main purpose of establishment
 the state foundation of the Republic of   In such political condition, Nurcholish   fanaticism along with the regulation of   HMI provided the proper understanding
 Indonesia in the Constituent Assembly.   Madjid issued a very famous slogan   the Single Principle, which finally set in   of Islam to the students. The HMI  it
 Sitompul asserts that such claim was   “Islam Yes, Politics No”. This was an   terms of the Act No. 8 1985 on a Single   periodically conducted training for the
 legal because the Constituent Assembly   attempt to alter the pattern of Islamic   Principle Pancasila. This law requires   cadres and students such as the Basic
 had the duty write a new constitution of   struggle that had been more in politics to   all social and political organizations to   Training (Batra), Intermediate Training
 the state. 28  the cultural pattern of struggle.  make Pancasila as the basic principle of   (Intra), and the Senior Course. In
          their statutes. At the 15  HMI Congress   addition to provide the understanding
 Sitompul also confirms that HMI and   Internal dynamics within HMI in the late   in Medan 1983, it was not unanimously   of normative Islam, such trainings also
 Masjumi shared similiar ideology basic    1960s shook HMI. Ahmad Wahib and   agreed that HMI should accept   gave insights for new students about
 but HMI remained an independent   Djohan Effendi were two HMI activists   government’s single principle policy. This   organizational skills and communication,
 organization and it was not under the   from Central Java, known for their   undecisives situation had to be solved   especially for campus life. Rusli Karim

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