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in 1931), Pemuda Muhammadiyah           establishment of IMM is in conjunction                IMM emerged at the night time,         organization would not be dissolved by
                                   (founded in 1932), and Ikatan Pelajar   with HMI confrontation with the PKI;                  when Indonesia ghad been under         Soekarno. 43
                                   Muhammadiyah (Muhammadiyah High         moreover, HMI was even in danger of                   the ideological threat of the PKI.     The early period of the New Order was
                                   School Student Organization, IPM)       being dissolved by Soekarno regime. 42                This a condition was also supported    not only a difficult time for the Islamic
                                   that was established in 1961, and in    IMM grows and developed rapidly                       by Soekarno’s authoritarian Guided     political organizations, but also for
                                   2008 it named itself Ikatan Remaja      within the milieu of Muhammadiyah                     Democracy. History can record that in
                                   Muhammadiyah or the Muhammadiyah        colleges because of it was structurally               the period of the 1960 Soekarno tended   the Muslim student movements. The
                                   Bond, IRM). Some of the well-known      supported by Muhammadiyah as the                      to learn towards socialism-communism.   New Order’s de-politicization program
                                   figures behind the establishment IMM    parent organization. Despite being the                The Nasakom (Nasionalism, Religion,    since the early 1970s has shrunk the
                                   are Mohammad Djazman, M. AmienRais,     youngest autonomous organizations                     Communism) proclaimed by Sukarno       space for Muslims not only in their
                                   and A. Rosyad Sholeh.                                                                         at that time was the concrete evidence   political realm, but also in their social
                                                                           within Muhammadiyah, IMM moved                                                               life. The IMM also faced a difficult time
                                   Unlike PMII, the establishment of IMM   freely to spread the modernist ideology               of this trend. Involvement of some     in facing the principle of Pancasila as
                                   did not lead to either conflicts or frictions   of Muhammadiyah among the academics           Masjumi leaders in the Revolutionary   being the only ideology allowed, such
                                   with HMI. This can be sociologically    of the higher level educational                       Government of the Republic of Indonesia   as comprised by the Law of Social
                                   understandable since the founding of    institution of to Muhammadiyah. The                   (Pemerintahan Revolusioner Republik    Organizations (UU Keormasan). In line
                                   IMM was not followed by the release of   IMM is clearly stated in the rule of the             Indonesia, PRRI) in 1958 was culminated   with its parent organization that had
                                   activists who belonged to the modernist   Muhammadiyah colleges (Perguruan                    by the dissolution Masjumi in 1960.    accepted Pancasila, The IMM followed
                                   ideology of HMI. IMM was established    Tinggi Muhammadiyah, PTM). The                        Being considered as an onderbouw       the decision of the 41 Muhammadiyah
                                   in 1964 because Muhammadiyah            2006 PTM Rule chapter XIV article                     (substructure) of Masjumi, HMI almost   Congress 1985 as the Muhammadiyah
                                   was still attached to a moral burden    78 states that “Student organizations                 got swept too by the dissolution of    strategy in their Islamic propagation. This
                                   on the 1949 Muslim pledge, which        established in PTM are: a) the                        Masjumi. On the other hand, the        period was optimally benefited by IMM
                                   agreed that HMI was the only student    Muhammadiyah Students Bond; b)                        existence of PKI was also a very       to develop their organization. As a result,
                                   organization for the Muslims. However,   Other organizations permitted by the                 significant force in this period. Moreover,   by the 1990s IMM had been growing in
                                   the establishment of PMII was a “good   Chairman of PTM “. In practice, only                  PKI had also supporters within the level   almost all Indonesian regions, especially
                                   precedent” for Muhammadiyah students    IMM is the formal institution of Islamic              of student organization, i.e. Concentrasi   within the milieu of Muhammadiyah
                                   to establish their own organizations too.   propagation in various campuses of                Gerakan Mahasiswa Indonesia (the       higher education levels.
                                   The existence of IMM would rather be    the Muhammadiyah universities. This                   Concentration of the Indonesian Student
                                   an alternate organization for students   means that IMM is regarded as an                     Movement, CGMI). Since the  HMI        As a social organization at the university
                                   belong to the modernist ideology. On    extra-campus organization within higher               strongly rejected the ideology of PKI, this   level, IMM was also concerned with
                                   the other hand, IMM that is dominant    educational institutions of the  belonged             party and CGMI urged the government to   socio-political and humanitarian issues.
                                   in universities and colleges of the     to Muhammadiyah, which is thus it                     dissolve HMI. They accused the HMI was   The New Order period generally muted
                                   Muhammadiyah cannot be a threat to      similar to the existence of IMM in other              an accomplice of the DI/TII. At this point   various socio-religious and political
                                   the existence of HMI. Politically, the   public universities.                                 IMM emerged as an HMI supporter so     movements. However, when the political

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