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sake of credibility, impetus, and the given of the Campus Islamic Propagation UNS Solo on September 3-6, 1988; official organization of the university,
effect, is delivered by way of cooperating Agencies (FSLDK) was established. and at the IKIP Malang September 15- an LDK usually receives facilities to
with other propagation exponents, This forum has a coordinating function 19, 1989. At the 5 gathering at IKIP use the campus mosque as its center
especially the Islamic press. of propagation, as a means to boost Malang FSLDK made an important of activities. Although as an official
synergy of varieties of propagation stage because the assemblage was campus Islamic organization, LDK has
Third, LDK as a mediator. Along with its movements towards a unifying attended by LDKs outside Java such different colors in each university. The
owned access, LDK plays its role as a community (ummatan wahidah). At as Sumatra, Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara, only similiar line is that those LDKs are
mediator between people on one hand, its early stage, FSLDK was named and Bali. Another important step was the Islamic propagation agencies, that are
and the decision makers on the other Sarasehan LDK (the LDKs’ Assemblage). agreement on the formulation of LDK’s different from either HMI or PMII the two
hand. Sometimes aspirations of the This event was organized at first by lines of action (khittah). These lines of organization that may not be fitted to be
people come to a standstill as those do Jamaah Salahuddin UGM on May 24- action comprised direction, goals, and regarded as propagation agencies.
not arrive to the competent authorities; 25, 1986, which was attended by 13 objectives of the campus propagation
while there are unpopular government LDKs, first workshop manage to produce movements. This khittah was aimed at 2) KesatuanAksiMahasiswa
policies among people because of several decisions, namely: 46 strengthening mutual understanding Indonesian (KAMMI)
their lack of understanding on people’s on the direction of Islamic teaching on
aspirations. In this context, the role 1. The need ti improve Islamic campuses as well as with the FSLDK The faucet like 1998 reform opens up
of mediation (of cultural and political brotherhood amongst the Campus as an integral part of the global strategy all channels of bureaucracy and politics.
brokers) becomes important. Fourth, Islamic Propagation Agencies, at least of Islamic propagation in Indonesia. In social theory, this moment is called
LDK as a facilitator. All ideas, accesses, among the functionaries of the LDKs’ Recently, the forum is more popular the political opportunity structure. In
and facilities owned by LDK can play leaderships. with an addendum in its name Forum this condition nodes of all political
their roles as facilitators in various 2. The communication and coordination Silaturrahmi Lembaga Dakwah Kampus stalemate are opened, thereby allowing
activities to achieve public aspirations, in amongst LDKs should be conducted Indonesia (the Interconnecting Forum all segments of society to express
the activities of articulation, mediation, or in several zonings: a) the western of Campus Propagation Agencies in their social and political aspirations.
action. region was coordinated by Karisma Indonesia, FSLDKI). This period was then characterized
Salman ITB, b) the central region was by the emergence of various political
The growth of LDKs in various coordinated by Jamaah Salahuddin In contrast to other campus base Islamic parties, including the Islamic parties.
universities as well as cities are unified UGM, c) the eastern region was organizations, LDK is considered as Various social movements have also
by a coordinating forum. However, coordinated by UKKI Airlangga the formal organization of a university. emerged, including within the segment
their bustle in performing internal University. Despite the name differences the, LDK of Muslim students by forming FSLDK
propagation activities make them The first meeting was then followed by is regarded as the most authoritative in Malang on March 29, 1998. The
less optimal in performing broader several other meetings subsequently propagation agency on campuses. At forum eventually form an alternative
propagating agendas. Consequently, held at ITB Bandung January 2-4, the same time, other organizations institution for the students named
Forum Silaturahhim Lembaga Dakwah 1987; at the Airlangga University are commonly considered as extra- KesatuanAksiMahasiswa Islam Indonesia
Kampus (An Interconnection Forum Surabaya September 13-16, 1987; at campus student organizations. As an (the Indonesian Muslim Students’ Action
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