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criticized that so far HMI activities were   whereas HMI-MPO tends to be more   impetus to the growing numbers of   which is basically the act of desertion of
 more internal as it did  not much get in   conservative. Internal challenges have   the educated group of the NU. The   the students affiliated to NU, by which
 touch with the general public. 33  absorbed more energy so lately that HMI   first organization emerged within   PMII was then considered by HMI as
 is less responsive to national issues.   the educated group of NU is Ikatan   “treason” against the decision of the
 Although HMI is a socio-religious
 organization, it had a significant role in   Reflecting to HMI’s heyday in the 1970s,   Pelajar Nahdlatul Ulama (the Nahdlatul   1949 Muslim Congress. Therefore, some
 the country’spolitical sphere. It is not   the future of HMI is expected to be   Ulama Students’ Bond, IPNU) that was   PMII leaders such as Mahbub Djunaidi,
 surprising if HMI is often referred to as   more visionary and has more concrete   established in 1954 to accommodate   were then expeled from HMI.
 the creator of political cadres. Compared   contributions for the nation’s life.  both high school and the university   Mahbub confirmed that the establishment
          students. Several attempts to establish
 to the other social organizations, there   2) Pergerakan Mahasiswa Islam   of PMII was due to the fact that HMI
 is no doubt that HMI had contributed   Indonesia-PMII (Indonesia   university student organizations   could not accommodate the aspirations
 most in the efforts to create cadres in   Islamic Student Movement)  had been conducted such as by the   of the students leaning to the Islamic
 politics. Figures such as Akbar Tanjung,   establishment of Ikatan Mahasiswa   traditionalist group (Ahlus Sunnah wal
          Nahdlatul Ulama (the Nahdlatul Ulama
 AdiSasono, M. Amin Rais, and AM Fatwa   PMII was founded on April 17, 1960 in   Jamaah).  Although the establishment
 are some of HMI alumni who are active   response to the trend of Islamic politics.   University Students’ Bond, IMANU)   of PMII was a reflection of dissatisfaction
 at the political level.  Since the 1950s Masjumi had not longer   and Keluarga Mahasiswa Nahdlatul   felt by some parts of the HMI members,
 been considered as the sole political   Ulama (The Nahdlatul Ulama Students   but the establisment of PMII cannot be
 The era of reformasi gives different   party for the Muslims.  Political tensions   Fellowship, KMNU) that was established
 nuances for HMI.  The political   in Masjumi began to appear by the   in 1955. However, the extant student   separated from the endorsement of NU
 opportunity structure that occurs in   organizations received lack of support   as the  parent organization.
 this era of political change provides an   withdrawal of the former Partai Sarekat   from the leadership of NU, because   As its name implies, PMII was expected
 opportunity for HMI Dipo and HMI MPO   Islam Indonesia (the Indonesian Islamic   those organizations were feared to   to become a dynamic and open
 Union Party, PSII) from Masjumi in 1947.
 to reunite. The process began when the   undermine the newly established IPNU.   organization. The name “movement” is
 22  congres was held in Jambi 1999.   Dissatisfaction of the ex-PSII figures   After the condition of IPNU was strong   expected to accommodate the dynamic
 The HMI Dipo reassigned the Islamic   was also felt by NahdlatulUlama (NU).   enough, the 1960 IPNU conference   aspirations of the young intellectuals.
 This “traditionalist-oriented” Islamic
 principles in an attempt to restore the   in Yogyakarta confirmed the need for   The organization deliberately abstained
 HMI identity as they were also hoping   association could no longer stand being   student organizations. Furthermore, in   from using the name “NU” such as
 for the return of the HMI-MPO. Various   oriented Masyumi leadership. In 1952   April 1960 PMII was formally established   previously attached to some student
 attempts of reconciliation had been   NU finally left Masjumi and transformed it   in Surabaya with Mahbub Djunaidi as the   organization under NU. It was an effort to
 undertaken to unify the two HMIs, but   self in the a new Islamic political party.  chairman, Khalid M. Al-Mawardi as the   make PMII as an open organization to all
 until now they still fail  to reunite. Though   The political conditions were influential   vice chairman, and M. Said Budairy as   groups, especially to the people whose
 normatively both HMI’s have been   to the more educated members the   the general secretary. Actually, at that   aspirations have not been channeled
 equally based on Islam, it is empirically   NU. In addition to the political aspect,   time Mahbub was still an HMI activist.   within HMI. The establishment of the
 known that HMI Dipo is more moderate,   sociological conditions also give the   However, the establishment of PMII   progressive students organization was

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