Page 24 - Success Academy | 21-22 Benefits Summary
P. 24

 Questions and Answers
1. What can I do to keep my monthly costs down?
There are a number of things you can do. That is the great thing about choice! First, consider the Copay Value Plan and the Dental HMO Plans. Both of these plans have lower monthly premiums while still offering extensive coverage.
You can also consider the HSA plan as you’ll have account contributions from Success that can help you offset out-of-pocket eligible medical, dental, and vision expenses.
Next, if you have a monthly prescription, you may want to consider taking advantage of the mail order option where you can receive a 90-day supply for the cost of a 60-day supply. In addition, you can request that your provider suggest comparable generic prescriptions as these are usually the lowest cost options.
Another way to significantly reduce your employee contribution is to enroll as an “Employee Only.” If you have a spouse or domestic partner and your spouse/domestic partner’s employer offers medical coverage, you may choose to enroll yourself with Success and have your spouse/ domestic partner enroll with his/her employer.
2. How do I know if the HSA Plan is right for me?
First, consider your medical needs. If you are someone who seeks medical attention only a few times a year and you tend to see in-network doctors, the HSA Plan is a great option. With the HSA Plan, preventive visits are 100% covered, without a deductible or a copay. If this were your only medical expense, you would leave the year having contributed to the lowest cost plan with the same level of benefits. Annually, Success contributes $1,200 (Employee Only) / $2,400 (Employee + Dependents) into your HSA Bank account for you to use toward your expenses. This is literally money in a bank for you! There is a portable health savings account tied to this plan, so you can also contribute up to $2,400 pre-tax into this account in order to lower your taxable income for the year. In addition, this amount rolls over to be used in years to come.
Second, consider the providers you use. When you seek medical attention, do you see in-network providers? If so, the HSA Plan may be ideal for you as there is no need to pay extra for the Copay Plus Plan, which allows you the option of using out-of-network providers. So, look up your current providers on to see if your providers accept the HSA Plan. If so, you may be able to retain the same providers at a lower cost. (It is important to note that if a doctor is in-network with the Copay Plan, that doctor also accepts the HSA Plan. The in-network doctors for both plans are the same!)
The HSA Plan offers comprehensive medical coverage. This plan was offered with our employee population in mind. We partnered with Cigna for this insurance, and their network is very strong in the tri-state area.
3. How do I know if the Copay Plus Plan is right for me?
The Copay Plan is ideal for those who may have greater health care needs and/or want the flexibil- ity of seeing out-of-network providers. There are different costs associated with going in/out-of- network, but some level of coverage is there.

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