Page 6 - JDC Flip book
P. 6

Group Histroy Timeline

           1972          1980        1983         1989        1993         1994        1996        2000         2002        2002

                                                               HERITAGE    GRANITES  PRINTING                   JANSONS   SCHOOL   JANSONS    mri
                                      finishing                                &                    JANSONS       OF BUSINESS
                                       process                               DYEING                 EXPORTS

                yarn      weaving                                            PROCESS    STAIN - GUARD
                                                              The group enters into
                                                              a  new  venture  with
                                                    domestic    the  establishment                              Jansons  Foundation,  the
                                                                                                                philanthropic  arm    of
                                                   retail  sales  o f   t h e   G r a n i t e                   Jansons  Group,  envisioned
                                                              Polishing  division,                              building  a  business  school
                                                              later  to  become                                 t h a t   w o u l d   h a v e   a   A state-of-the-art medical
                                                              a  leading  name                                  world-class  infrastructure
                                                              in the domain.                                    and state-of-the-art campus.   diagnostic centre set-up at
                                                                                                                And  it  is  this  vision  of  the   Erode  with  facilities
                                                                                                                Chairman  of  Jansons   ranging  from  complete
                                                                                                                Group  that  transformed   Laboratry tests to Spiral CT
                                                                                                                i t s e l f   i n t o   J a n s o n s
                                                                                                                School  of  Business  (JSB)   & MRI - All under one roof.
                                                                                                                i n   t h e   y e a r   2 0 0 2 , .
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11