Page 7 - JDC Flip book
P. 7

2004        2005         2007        2009         2009        2010        2010         2012         2015         2017

                                                      JANSONS  INSTITUTE   18  RETAIL     JANSONS clothing
                                                       OF  TECHNOLOGY          for  ikea                  brand
                                                                   OUTLETs                               launch        mbo
                              MENSWEAR                             in                                                 launch
      KNITWEAR                 DIVISION                            total      Inspired by IKEA’s People &   jansons
       DIVISION  PIONEER                                                      Planet  positive  Strategy,  spinning
                 PROCESSING  INDIA                                            we  started  a  partnership
                                                                              program to create a system
                One  of  the  leading
                processing  industry  in              The prestigious Jansons   to  recycle  wastewater  for
                Erode.  With  Twenty  years  FLAGSHIP   Institute  of  Technology   printing  and  new  dyeing
                o f   e x p e r i e n c e   i n       commences functioning.   process that uses less water
                t e x t i l e   p r o c e s s i n g  RETAIL     Yet  another  feather  in   and  ensures  motors
                field, this unit has the latest   OUTLET  the  cap  of  Jansons,   run only when needed.
                machineries  to  address
                a l l   t h e   d e m a n d s         JIT  today  creates
                o f   t h e   i n d u s t r y .       engineering  grads
                                                      par excellence.
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