Page 12 - Flying Physician Magazine Issue 1-2018
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has faithfully attended numerous FPA JoHn d. davis, m.d. We are looking forward to continu-
chapter and national meetings despite 2018 Airman of the Year ing our travels together, especially those
the often long flights required to reach to FPA meetings. We look forward to
eastern U.S. meeting sites. She has act- seeing our FPA family soon.
ed as a voluntary, uncompensated, and Thanks again for honoring us in
largely unrecognized scribe at FPA An- this manner.
nual Meetings, taking copious notes of John and Billie Davis
the CME presentations and has assisted
in writing accounts of those meetings in 2017 Kuros Tabari Award Winner
The Bulletin and the FPA Flying Physi- meLissa r. KauFman,
cian magazine. m.d., pH.d.
She has been as much or more enthu-
siastic about our organization than some
physician members. She has even gone so
far as to participate in the FAA Altitude
Chamber exercise with her husband and
other members in Oklahoma City and
was the “last one standing” (so to speak) Billie and I want to thank you for
in that exercise! Clearly her runs up this wonderful honor. We have been
Pike’s Peak have contributed to her abili- flying together for over fifty years ac-
ty to withstand the oxygen deprivation of cident free. Of course there have been
the test chamber. As many have guessed a few incidents, as you would expect.
by now, the FPA “Co-pilot of the Year” for None have been more memorable than
2018 is Vici DeHaan. April 3, 2017.
Acknowledgement from Warren On that day we were on our way
DeHaan: to the Southwest/Western Chapters
Vici was absolutely surprised. Since meeting in Durango, Colorado. Near
the annual meeting, she has asked me of- Roswell, New Mexico, we had com-
ten “What did I do to deserve this?” You plete engine failure. As a result of hav-
have no idea how much this means to her ing God as my copilot and Billie as my The Tabari Award was established
(and to me). We have the glass award on Right Front Seater, we made a successful by a past president of FPA, Kuros Tabari,
the table where we eat most of our meals, airport landing in a cow pasture three and is overseen by the CME Commit-
and she is enjoying it over and over, every miles short of the KROW runway. No tee. It is intended to recognize the FPA
day. This is a highlight of her current life, additional damage was done to the air- member speaker at the Annual Meeting
especially now as her activities become plane, and no physical injury to Billie, who delivers the best scientific/med-
more limited. She still fully enjoys life me, or the cows. ical presentation. Every presentation
“in the moment” and, since the award is delivered by an FPA member is judged
sitting right in front of her, she is having by five individuals using score sheets.
many, many, many happy moments as The criteria are based on the princi-
she reads it over again each new day. ples of Continuing Medical Education
including evidence-based documenta-
tion, communication skills, adherence
to learning objectives and appeal to the
target audience.
Dr. Melissa Kaufman is a 3-time
Of course there was emotional trau- Tabari Award winner, receiving the
ma which takes a while to heal. I am award in 2014 (Nashville TN) and 2015
happy to report that Billie and I have (Hanover CT). Read the text of her win-
been able to take several uneventful ning presentation on page 15, “Up in
trips together this summer in the same the Air: Current Concepts in Erectile
airplane, N7776H, with a new engine. Dysfunction”.
The 2019 FPA Awards Nomination Form is on the next page. You are encouraged to submit it with the name/s and qualifications of deserving FPA
members you recommend for the awards in 2019. Send the form to Dr. Roger Hallgren, Awards Committee Chair. See the form for mailing details.
12 The Flying Physician vol. 61 - Issue 1 2018