Page 7 - Flying Physician Magazine Issue 1-2018
P. 7
From the From the
left Right
Front Front Seat
Seat A Message from the Right Front
Seaters Chair
A Message from the President Sarah Eidson
Mark C. Eidson, MD It seems like it’s been a long time since our fun meeting at the
Greenbrier in West Virginia. Many happy memories linger......
Greetings to all FPA members and families, Another happy memory came back to me when Mark and
I am feeling a little down about the recent loss of long- I were visiting Santa Fe, New Mexico, in July. We were there
time FPA members and friends: Drs. Steve Towle, George for our niece’s wedding. I remembered that our first national
Gumbert, and Carlos Acosta. Like so many of our members, FPA meeting was in Santa Fe. We returned to the hotel that
they were full of life, interesting individuals, and well above hosted the meeting in 1987 and took a photo in front of the
the cut of the average physician. They will all be missed and hotel. With us in this photo is our son, Beau, who at age 5
would want us to continue on. attended the meeting in Santa Fe. He has recollections of the
Sarah and I are hoping to attend as many regional FPA hotel’s children’s program in which the FPA youngsters partic-
meetings and fly-ins as possible this year and to participate ipated. In our toy chest, we still have an Indian drum that was
in all the activities. I encourage every FPA member to bring made then.
a new flying doctor friend and join the camaraderie at these Mark and I are working on details for the 2019 national
fly-ins. meeting in Fort Worth, June 1-4. There will be lots of fami-
As a reminder, all members and guests are invited to the ly-friendly activities in the Fort Worth area, so come and see
Winter Board Meeting this coming February 6-8 fly-in and what memories you can make with your children or grand-
Winter Board Meeting February 8-9, 2019, at the Hangar Ho- children.
tel in Fredericksburg, TX (T82). Some available activities are:
WWII buffs, especially of the Pacific Theatre, will have Fort Worth Zoo
quite a treat. Look for the details in our FPA publications and Fort Worth Museum of
on the website, Science and History
Planning for the annual FPA meeting in Fort Worth, Tex- Six Flags
as (June 1-4, 2019) is in full swing. Keep the dates in mind as I Hurricane Harbor Water Park
expect a great time for all. Details again will follow.
Fort Worth Stockyards
Fort Worth Stockyards Rodeo
I hope to see you around and Happy Landings, SeaQuest Aquarium
Mark Texas Rangers Baseball
Dr. Mark The meeting’s Schedule-at-a-Glance will be printed in the
December 2018 FPA Member Bulletin. This will give a pre-
view of activities we are planning next June in Fort Worth.
Signing off as prepare to land,
Sarah Eidson
Mark’s “Mark’s Remarks” will resume with the
remarks October Member Bulletin. To read Dr.
By Publications Committee Chair Thoman’s current comments, please see
Mark Thoman, MD page 11.
The Flying Physician vol. 61 - Issue 1 2018 7