Page 5 - Aug Sept 2016
P. 5
Elite Investigative Journal
Michael Bery: Master Underwater Criminal Investigator Instructor Trainer, pg 5-10
©2014-2016 SYT Global, Inc.
Michael Berry: Master Underwater Criminal
Investigator Instructor Trainer
Interviewed by Sonya Trippett
Photo Courtesy of Photo Courtesy Michael Berry
Name: Michael Berry Sonya Trippett: Michael, Please tell
City of Birth: Killeen, Texas me how you began your career working
Occupation: F/Sgt. Virginia State with the Virginia State Police?
Police – Operations Coordinator of the
VSP search and recovery Team Owner Michael Berry: I had gotten out of the
of UCI military at the age of 22 and wanted
to be a police officer, so I applied with
Company: Underwater Criminal many departments from around Virginia
Investigators and went around testing and waiting to
hear back from one of them. Out of all
Credentials: Master Underwater the departments I applied with, the state
Criminal Investigator Instructor police offered me a job.
Sonya Trippett: During the time that
you worked with the Virginia State
Professional Organizations:
Professional Association of Diving Police tell me about some of the search
Instructors (PADI) and rescue operations you coordinated?