Page 7 - Aug Sept 2016
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Michael Bery: Master Underwater Criminal Investigator Instructor Trainer
same rules of crime scene processing and evidence handling a land investigator
is trained to follow. Where does it say the rules change if the evidence goes in
the water? The same rules that apply for land criminal investigators apply for
underwater criminal investigators. A professional law enforcement department
needs to have trained and certified divers they can rely on to carry on their
investigation when it leads to the water’s edge.
The secret to making an Underwater Criminal Investigator is making sure the divers
have solid diving skills. The more comfortable you are as a diver, the better you will
be on the bottom when the lights go out. UCI diving involves conducting search
patterns, searching by feel in zero visibility through the bottom composition for the
targets of your search. Once you locate the item, you need to conduct a thorough
recovery which includes marking the target, triangulating its location, taking
photographs, document its recovery, properly package and recovery the item and do
it all while keeping its chain of custody.
The focus is to conduct the underwater criminal investigation with the same
integrity a land criminal investigator would give to his land criminal investigation.
Being trained and certified as an Underwater Criminal Investigator is just as
important as having trained and certified land criminal investigators.
UCI offers a wide variety of specialized courses. Our main courses are the
Underwater Criminal Investigator course which teaches the divers how to conduct
criminal investigations underwater focusing on the three cores targets which are,
body, vehicle and evidence recovery and our advance UCI course which is called
the Master’s program. In this course the student learns advance body recovery,
vehicle recovery and evidence recovery.
Our graduates become certified Underwater Criminal Investigators and Master
Underwater Criminal Investigators. Our training and certifications are recognized
Also keep in mind UCI Instructors are the best of the best. Our instructors are
hand-picked based on their qualification and experience. They are all police diving
professionals with years of experience and who have made hundreds of recoveries.